"I'll get all the ingredients together and then when Kyrie gets in, we can stir it up together."
My Mother began rummaging in her deep chest freezer for the candied fruit stored there. Even though I can barely make heads or tails of it sometimes, she usually has the deep freeze all figured out in her mind. She has a system, she knows where things are in her realms, not just in her food storage, but in her desk and dresser drawers, her closet, and the under-bed storage containers. "A place for everything and everything in its place" my Grandfather used to say. I guess she got it from him. It was passed down to Kyrie, too. If I ask to borrow anything from her, be it shirt or stapler, she can tell me exactly where whatever it is should be. "Top right-hand drawer in my desk on the left-hand side at the back" she might say and there it will be. She has the gift of organization, definitely. I guess that's why she's such a great secretary at Victory Road Academy.
So Mother gathered the ingredients. The night before she had searched through her recipes for just the right one: The Grandmother's special fruitcake recipe. You may laugh. You're welcome to. Maybe your encounters with fruitcake have been less than pleasant. Perhaps you have always thought that fruitcake was no more than a joke, a gift you give to those you want to prank. Not so with our family. Oh my! this is the best fruitcake ever. I can't give you the recipe (top secret, you understand), but I will say it doesn't have a drop of alcohol in it and it does have an ingredient that causes me to feel curiously smug: a cup of decaf coffee! :) Yep, my Grandmother's fruitcake is the best. Last year we didn't make it. There were several things that we didn't do last year without our dear Grandmother, but this year making fruitcake was on our list of "musts".
So Kyrie came in and in just two or so hours, we had the cakes slid in the oven. Okay, it shouldn't really take that long, but we weren't in any hurry and, too, after a year of not making it, we had to be refreshed on just how to do it. But after all the prep time and all the baking time, the results were well worth it!!
Fruitcak-ing isn't the only thing we've "been into". We got the decorations put up the day after Thanksgiving. (If you haven't seen this video, you really should! Ky and I found it hilarious and so relatable!) We've spent time watching movies as a family and playing some games. Tonight, though, I found myself sitting with my family and wanting to find something fascinating to look at as I surfed the internet. My thoughts were distracted by the recent holiday outfit updates one trendy mom has posted on her pulled-together blog. She's so perfect. So pretty. So stylish. Another "cyber sister" and her life floated through my thoughts. Her family is gorgeous. She is sweet and gentle, honest, and humble. Her photography is excellent and her blog posts leave me gazing and longing.... and discontented. "When I marry...." or "When I have my own home..." These are the thoughts that march unchecked across the terrain of my brain. Wait a Minute!! Who said you could get in here?! I closed the lid of my computer and looked around our living room. Dad had headed to bed by this time, but I had gotten to play three games of Mancala with him. Mother sat beside me looking at her computer and Kyrie was brushing her teeth in the bathroom just down the hall. I began to express appreciation for the things I could see around me. Although I felt kinda crazy doing it, I needed to do it. Not just for me, but maybe for my family, too. "Don't say what you don't like," Kyrie had said once. "Talk about what you love." I don't think the saying was necessarily original with her, but it was so true and I, who have a tendency to be negative at times, have tried to implement it as I think to do so.
"I love our floor rug. It is so pretty. That was so sweet of Aunt Edna to get it for us." My eyes moved to our furniture set. "We've got a nice mission-style coffee table." I lit on the items collected on the shiny glass surface Kyrie had bought for Mother ten years ago. Mother had so wanted something to protect the top of her spiffy coffee table and Kyrie with her huge, generous heart had bought it for her. "I like the Christmas magazines Kyrie put out for us to enjoy. They're so Christmas-ey." Kyrie poked her head out. "What did you say?" I repeated myself. "Oh," she smiled that cute, pleased grin of hers.
"I like the pinecones," I continued. "They're so simple and decorative. I like my metal bell and its cheery 'ring-tone." I laughed. "I like our ornaments and our variegated lights. I like our garland. I like our Purple Angel. She's so regal and elegant." This little crepe lady has adorned our bookcase at Christmastime for years. Purple's not really a Christmas color, but Kyrie and I love her and pull her out each year to join our assortment of mix-matched, sentiment-filled conglomeration of Christmas decorations. "I love our Christmas card from the Steiners. It's so retro and Christmas-cheery." Mother hadn't really said anything yet, but she smiled and nodded intermittently as she researched better quilting methods. Kyrie hadn't seen the Steiner's card and now arose to inspect the card. "Ooh!" (Obviously she liked it, too.)
"I like our straw paper garland on the rafia/twine. It's so simple and special."
Suddenly my home was wonderful. It had been all along, but I had been so caught up in someone else's life, in those who have "perfect existences" (when I know better; they really don't have flawless lives). I hadn't taken time to consider all the special parts about my own. I have so much to be grateful for, to thank my Heavenly Father for, and yet I had focused on what others have that I don't. How sad. How shameful that it was so easy to do.
I started reading Corrie ten Boom's Tramp for the Lord (with Jamie Buckingham) tonight. Her dependence upon the Lord is so convicting to read. I fear all I have being stripped away: my family, friends, health, any attractiveness I might have, anything I have "going for me". But doesn't that indicate that I'm leaning on them instead of the One Who gave them to me? And if He should take them away, which He has the right to do if He so chose, what would my reaction be? Would I be drawn to Him because of that pain or would I shrivel up like a plant with too little soil? This Christmas I have so much to learn, not only in culinary skills, but in my relationship with the Lord Jesus. Is He enough for me? Yes, Christ is Enough. He is More Than Enough,... but do I know it?
Monday, December 21, 2015
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Write 31: Almost
It was almost raining as I headed down my driveway. I say almost, it actually had been raining off and on all day, but now the rain had paused again and I was heading out into the grayness for a lovely walk down our gravel lane. I used to dislike rain, but due to Kyrie's love of it, I have grown to like it as well.
The sky was overcast and wonderful and I watched a new calf scampering in the windiness across the pasture. It stopped in surprise as a flash of lightning snaked down the sky a few miles away.
I didn't know how long I had before the clouds would open up again, but I was enjoying the walk. I turned around at my grandparent's house. I had to get something from inside and when I was ready to leave I could hear a downpour. I debated whether to stay inside 'til it slacked up a little, but I decided since it was so warm to just enjoy it and run home. Besides, I had my umbrella.
I couldn't keep a laugh from bursting out as I splashed down the lane in the downpour. Probably will be the last rain I enjoy this year. It has almost gotten too cold for a run like that. I reveled in the currents that covered my flip-flops and surged around my ankles. Lightning flashed and I was getting soaked, but I was loving it.
I wish that everyone could have that kind of fun. Freeness, laughter, a run in the rain, before winter almost overtakes us. Pure happiness. I almost wish that autumn could stay forever.
It was almost raining as I headed down my driveway. I say almost, it actually had been raining off and on all day, but now the rain had paused again and I was heading out into the grayness for a lovely walk down our gravel lane. I used to dislike rain, but due to Kyrie's love of it, I have grown to like it as well.
The sky was overcast and wonderful and I watched a new calf scampering in the windiness across the pasture. It stopped in surprise as a flash of lightning snaked down the sky a few miles away.
I didn't know how long I had before the clouds would open up again, but I was enjoying the walk. I turned around at my grandparent's house. I had to get something from inside and when I was ready to leave I could hear a downpour. I debated whether to stay inside 'til it slacked up a little, but I decided since it was so warm to just enjoy it and run home. Besides, I had my umbrella.
I couldn't keep a laugh from bursting out as I splashed down the lane in the downpour. Probably will be the last rain I enjoy this year. It has almost gotten too cold for a run like that. I reveled in the currents that covered my flip-flops and surged around my ankles. Lightning flashed and I was getting soaked, but I was loving it.
I wish that everyone could have that kind of fun. Freeness, laughter, a run in the rain, before winter almost overtakes us. Pure happiness. I almost wish that autumn could stay forever.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Write 31: Bacon
When I was a child, oatmeal was "weekday breakfast fare" and on Saturdays, Mother fixed a "special breakfast." One of the "special foods" was bacon which, somewhere along the line, creative Kyrie or myself decided we would pretend was scorpion. Was this because of the imaginative play that my Mother inspired through the crafts and play things she would provide? Or was it because novel ideas, far away places, and exotic foods were part of our growing up and our heritage?
My grandparents were missionaries in three South American countries for about 34 years all told. Missionary blood is in my veins, and bacon, with it's well-done curling "endpoints" looked a whole lot like the tails of the scorpions on the traveling shows we would watch on Sunday evenings after church with my Dad. My mother grew up on the mission field, she would read missionary stories to Ky and myself as we were growing up, "the world" was at our fingertips, and "foreign lands" were more familiar to me than an icee from the gas station. (Yes, I still remember wondering what that thing was my friend was slurping away on. No, I was not a deprived child.)
So, what will the Lord do with me? Where will He have taken me when the story of my life is all told? I can only imagine. And wish and pray and prepare as best I can so that wherever, whenever, however, I can eagerly say, "Lord, here I am. Whether You call me to a place that eats bacon or fried scorpion, I'm ready--with Your help! Here am I, send me!"
Five Minute Friday is a blog get-together hosted by Kate Motaung. You can link up with us over at her spot in the bloggosphere where you can read her post about bacon, as well as meet up with some other fantastic writers! And if you're wondering what Write 31 is, I'll let you discover what this brilliant is idea for yourself! :)
When I was a child, oatmeal was "weekday breakfast fare" and on Saturdays, Mother fixed a "special breakfast." One of the "special foods" was bacon which, somewhere along the line, creative Kyrie or myself decided we would pretend was scorpion. Was this because of the imaginative play that my Mother inspired through the crafts and play things she would provide? Or was it because novel ideas, far away places, and exotic foods were part of our growing up and our heritage?
My grandparents were missionaries in three South American countries for about 34 years all told. Missionary blood is in my veins, and bacon, with it's well-done curling "endpoints" looked a whole lot like the tails of the scorpions on the traveling shows we would watch on Sunday evenings after church with my Dad. My mother grew up on the mission field, she would read missionary stories to Ky and myself as we were growing up, "the world" was at our fingertips, and "foreign lands" were more familiar to me than an icee from the gas station. (Yes, I still remember wondering what that thing was my friend was slurping away on. No, I was not a deprived child.)
So, what will the Lord do with me? Where will He have taken me when the story of my life is all told? I can only imagine. And wish and pray and prepare as best I can so that wherever, whenever, however, I can eagerly say, "Lord, here I am. Whether You call me to a place that eats bacon or fried scorpion, I'm ready--with Your help! Here am I, send me!"
Five Minute Friday is a blog get-together hosted by Kate Motaung. You can link up with us over at her spot in the bloggosphere where you can read her post about bacon, as well as meet up with some other fantastic writers! And if you're wondering what Write 31 is, I'll let you discover what this brilliant is idea for yourself! :)
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Write 31: Sea
My family and I live about 45 minutes from the sea. Yes, I mean the ocean, that gigantic body of water that surrounds every single continent on this earth and if I was to get in a boat I could (hypothetically) travel to any people group or place on this planet. (It's a pretty astounding thought to me.)
Today, my Mother and I traveled to a certain coastal town to attend a funeral and later to do some shopping. While we were shopping I found myself coming into contact with four unrelated, physically disabled people.
Most people who know me, know that I am currently pursuing a degree as a physical therapist assistant. Disabilities draw me and I found myself longing to go up to those people and tell them how much they are valued, how special they are in the eyes of their Creator, how much I would love to get to know them as a friend and unique individual. But instead, I stood in my spot in the checkout line, wishing, wondering, praying, hoping, wanting to be used by the Lord someday when I am able to practice the schooling I am getting.
The Bible says that we as believers are to cast our bread upon the waters so that after many days it may return to us. {Ecclesiastes 11:1.} The Bread is Jesus Christ, the Son of God whom we are told will bring about good results in the hearts of those who believe in Him. {John 6:35, 48, 51.} I want to be one that offers that Bread of Life for hungry souls to enjoy and to feast on. Not just in the lives of disabled but whomever I meet--these dear people need to know the God I know and I have the privilege and responsibility to share His news with them.
My family and I live about 45 minutes from the sea. Yes, I mean the ocean, that gigantic body of water that surrounds every single continent on this earth and if I was to get in a boat I could (hypothetically) travel to any people group or place on this planet. (It's a pretty astounding thought to me.)
Today, my Mother and I traveled to a certain coastal town to attend a funeral and later to do some shopping. While we were shopping I found myself coming into contact with four unrelated, physically disabled people.
Most people who know me, know that I am currently pursuing a degree as a physical therapist assistant. Disabilities draw me and I found myself longing to go up to those people and tell them how much they are valued, how special they are in the eyes of their Creator, how much I would love to get to know them as a friend and unique individual. But instead, I stood in my spot in the checkout line, wishing, wondering, praying, hoping, wanting to be used by the Lord someday when I am able to practice the schooling I am getting.
The Bible says that we as believers are to cast our bread upon the waters so that after many days it may return to us. {Ecclesiastes 11:1.} The Bread is Jesus Christ, the Son of God whom we are told will bring about good results in the hearts of those who believe in Him. {John 6:35, 48, 51.} I want to be one that offers that Bread of Life for hungry souls to enjoy and to feast on. Not just in the lives of disabled but whomever I meet--these dear people need to know the God I know and I have the privilege and responsibility to share His news with them.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Write 31: Hope
Lamentations 3:18-21, "And I said, My strength and my hope is perished from the LORD: Remembering mine affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall. My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled in me. This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope."
Lamentations 3:24, "The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him."
Lamentations 3:26, "It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD."
Hope. We use the word so much in American English.
"I hope I don't get stuck in traffic."
"I hope my family gets to make it for Christmas."
"I hope my dinner isn't burned when I get home."
The words here in Lamentations penned by Jeremiah (the Weeping Prophet) aren't the same, though. In Jeremiah's case, he knew that God was One in Whom he could trust, one that never fails nor lets His people down.
When we put our hope in God, we are putting our trust in Him. We wait on Him for whatever outcome He sees best. We exercise patience and we watch to see what He will do on His behalf. Yes, I did say on His behalf and not on mine. Sometimes when I watch His hand to see what He will do, if I am expecting Him to do things exactly my way, I'll wind up disappointed, but when I expect Him to cause the right plan to unfold, (the plan that will bring Him the most glory and adoration), then whatever He allows to happen, (whether I would normally consider it good or not), must be in His control and must be exactly what He wanted.
Three things:
In the first verses, Jeremiah remembered what the Lord had done before when he was in a miserable state. Jeremiah could take comfort from that.
In the second verse, Jeremiah remembered that the Lord was his inheritance, rich and wonderful.
In the last verse, Jeremiah reminded himself of something that is good to do: to hope and quietly wait for the Lord's deliverance. {Stop.}
I should trust that the Lord will bring about the right outcome (in other words, hope) without getting frustrated in the process (quietly wait) and I should expect that the Lord will come through at the right time (quietly wait) without getting discouraged through the minutes--or decades--that tick by.
My Lord is good! He is my Hope and I will trust in Him!
Lamentations 3:24, "The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him."
Lamentations 3:26, "It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD."
Hope. We use the word so much in American English.
"I hope I don't get stuck in traffic."
"I hope my family gets to make it for Christmas."
"I hope my dinner isn't burned when I get home."
The words here in Lamentations penned by Jeremiah (the Weeping Prophet) aren't the same, though. In Jeremiah's case, he knew that God was One in Whom he could trust, one that never fails nor lets His people down.
When we put our hope in God, we are putting our trust in Him. We wait on Him for whatever outcome He sees best. We exercise patience and we watch to see what He will do on His behalf. Yes, I did say on His behalf and not on mine. Sometimes when I watch His hand to see what He will do, if I am expecting Him to do things exactly my way, I'll wind up disappointed, but when I expect Him to cause the right plan to unfold, (the plan that will bring Him the most glory and adoration), then whatever He allows to happen, (whether I would normally consider it good or not), must be in His control and must be exactly what He wanted.
Three things:
In the first verses, Jeremiah remembered what the Lord had done before when he was in a miserable state. Jeremiah could take comfort from that.
In the second verse, Jeremiah remembered that the Lord was his inheritance, rich and wonderful.
In the last verse, Jeremiah reminded himself of something that is good to do: to hope and quietly wait for the Lord's deliverance. {Stop.}
I should trust that the Lord will bring about the right outcome (in other words, hope) without getting frustrated in the process (quietly wait) and I should expect that the Lord will come through at the right time (quietly wait) without getting discouraged through the minutes--or decades--that tick by.
My Lord is good! He is my Hope and I will trust in Him!
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Write 31: Perhaps
As a young, single woman, I was not very comfortable with seeing the word for the day, but instead of trying to conjure up some kind of made-up thoughts about it, here I go:
With every New Years' Eve, with every birthday eve, with every "just because" moment that comes randomly, I face this word, this idea: Perhaps. Perhaps this will be the year I get married, perhaps this will be the time that I meet the man I will marry, perhaps, perhaps, on and on.
This "perhaps-ing" can be emotionally exhausting and can leave a heart raw and desperate. It is not my God's will that this be the case with me. Yes, I desire marriage one day, when He is ready, but for today, I am His to serve Him with courage and fervor.
Marriage is not the fix-all cure for what ails a girl. I used to think it was. Jesus Christ is the Only Fix-All and with Him as my Guide, I can face and move forward with the life He has for me Today, Now.
So perhaps I will one day marry, but that is all speculation. Today and forever I am certain that I will always be the Child of the King of Kings and that I have an eternal home reserved in Heaven with my Savior forever.
Living for a man is exhausting, living to please a mortal is discouraging and disappointing. Living for and to please the Precious Jesus Christ is rewarding, invigorating, hope-filled, and joyful. He has my life in His hands and my future in His control. With Him I am safe and can rest in His completely trustworthy heart.
As a young, single woman, I was not very comfortable with seeing the word for the day, but instead of trying to conjure up some kind of made-up thoughts about it, here I go:
With every New Years' Eve, with every birthday eve, with every "just because" moment that comes randomly, I face this word, this idea: Perhaps. Perhaps this will be the year I get married, perhaps this will be the time that I meet the man I will marry, perhaps, perhaps, on and on.
This "perhaps-ing" can be emotionally exhausting and can leave a heart raw and desperate. It is not my God's will that this be the case with me. Yes, I desire marriage one day, when He is ready, but for today, I am His to serve Him with courage and fervor.
Marriage is not the fix-all cure for what ails a girl. I used to think it was. Jesus Christ is the Only Fix-All and with Him as my Guide, I can face and move forward with the life He has for me Today, Now.
So perhaps I will one day marry, but that is all speculation. Today and forever I am certain that I will always be the Child of the King of Kings and that I have an eternal home reserved in Heaven with my Savior forever.
Living for a man is exhausting, living to please a mortal is discouraging and disappointing. Living for and to please the Precious Jesus Christ is rewarding, invigorating, hope-filled, and joyful. He has my life in His hands and my future in His control. With Him I am safe and can rest in His completely trustworthy heart.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Write 31: Whisper
It was just Kyrie and me growing up and, man, did we get into some scraps sometimes! I remember one day we had been "at each other" and my mother exercised great wisdom in how she dealt with us.
At that point, we were living in a house that had a long closet surrounded by hallway. Hard to imagine, sorry, but suffice it to say, she put Kyrie at one end and me at the other and told us to stay there 'til she let us get up. We weren't supposed to talk to each other or move from our spots. Somewhere after the first fifteen seconds, we were soon trying to regain contact with one another scooting as far off of our "spots" as we could and as close to each other as we could, whispering and wanting to get up and play again. Finally, Mama came back through and we asked her if we could get up. Only if we were going to play nicely together, she said, and we very eagerly agreed.
So many other times when Mama would send us to bed, Ky and I would lie awake for long time, whispering stories to each other, making "caves" under the covers for our sock puppet "snakes" or our "hand people" to play in. I didn't realize how much Mother was aware of our activities as we would whisper away the time we were supposed to be sleeping. Sometimes she would let on, other times, not. Finally, we would succumb to weariness, and {Stop.} fall asleep, happy and at peace with each other.
What are some of your special childhood memories? Maybe you were close to a sibling, or maybe you had a special friend in your neighborhood that was like a brother or sister. Feel free to share your happy story in a comment!
It was just Kyrie and me growing up and, man, did we get into some scraps sometimes! I remember one day we had been "at each other" and my mother exercised great wisdom in how she dealt with us.
At that point, we were living in a house that had a long closet surrounded by hallway. Hard to imagine, sorry, but suffice it to say, she put Kyrie at one end and me at the other and told us to stay there 'til she let us get up. We weren't supposed to talk to each other or move from our spots. Somewhere after the first fifteen seconds, we were soon trying to regain contact with one another scooting as far off of our "spots" as we could and as close to each other as we could, whispering and wanting to get up and play again. Finally, Mama came back through and we asked her if we could get up. Only if we were going to play nicely together, she said, and we very eagerly agreed.
So many other times when Mama would send us to bed, Ky and I would lie awake for long time, whispering stories to each other, making "caves" under the covers for our sock puppet "snakes" or our "hand people" to play in. I didn't realize how much Mother was aware of our activities as we would whisper away the time we were supposed to be sleeping. Sometimes she would let on, other times, not. Finally, we would succumb to weariness, and {Stop.} fall asleep, happy and at peace with each other.
What are some of your special childhood memories? Maybe you were close to a sibling, or maybe you had a special friend in your neighborhood that was like a brother or sister. Feel free to share your happy story in a comment!
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Write 31: Crash
"I was in a wreck today."
We were setting up for a baby shower in the church fellowship hall. Ms. Lucille had said it so calmly. There she was, walking around, talking, working.
"Oh, that's not fun," a friend said as she arranged the chicken salad sandwiches. It sounded like car crashes were a broken fingernail. I know she didn't mean it that way, but now as I think back, isn't it amazing? I mean, there we were standing and doing together, and Ms. Lucille had been in a wreck. Thankfully, the Lord had protected her and kept her safe, but we passed over the matter so quickly. Soon we were moving to the pigs in a blanket and setting up the punch table.
It's shamefully amazing how easily I overlook the Lord's mercy upon me. I've sometimes thought as I'm driving, "Wow! That was close!" and yet I and the other people live to see another day and continue on down the highway without saying in humility, "Lord! Thank you for sparing my life, You certainly didn't have to!"
I take His goodness so flippantly. I take it for granted that I will one day get married, have children, become a grandparent, get old and be happy and I don't imagine much (or any) sorrow along the way.
That's not the case for countless people in my life that I know and love, though. They lose a loved one, a job, their house to a fire or hurricane, they suffer financially, they fail to get into the school they've planned to enter since kindergarten. {Stop.} In those circumstances I say, "Wow, that's too bad" but I rarely enter into their grief really really. And I furthermore rarely come humbly before my Lord at times when things could have turned out much worse in my life than they did and say, "Thank You, Father, for Your kindness and mercy."
When life crashes or when it almost does, I remain in the Lord's hands. He is far more worthy of thanks and adoration than I offer to Him. In reading this morning, I found these verses again, "Lam 3:22 & 23, "It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
"I was in a wreck today."
We were setting up for a baby shower in the church fellowship hall. Ms. Lucille had said it so calmly. There she was, walking around, talking, working.
"Oh, that's not fun," a friend said as she arranged the chicken salad sandwiches. It sounded like car crashes were a broken fingernail. I know she didn't mean it that way, but now as I think back, isn't it amazing? I mean, there we were standing and doing together, and Ms. Lucille had been in a wreck. Thankfully, the Lord had protected her and kept her safe, but we passed over the matter so quickly. Soon we were moving to the pigs in a blanket and setting up the punch table.
It's shamefully amazing how easily I overlook the Lord's mercy upon me. I've sometimes thought as I'm driving, "Wow! That was close!" and yet I and the other people live to see another day and continue on down the highway without saying in humility, "Lord! Thank you for sparing my life, You certainly didn't have to!"
I take His goodness so flippantly. I take it for granted that I will one day get married, have children, become a grandparent, get old and be happy and I don't imagine much (or any) sorrow along the way.
That's not the case for countless people in my life that I know and love, though. They lose a loved one, a job, their house to a fire or hurricane, they suffer financially, they fail to get into the school they've planned to enter since kindergarten. {Stop.} In those circumstances I say, "Wow, that's too bad" but I rarely enter into their grief really really. And I furthermore rarely come humbly before my Lord at times when things could have turned out much worse in my life than they did and say, "Thank You, Father, for Your kindness and mercy."
When life crashes or when it almost does, I remain in the Lord's hands. He is far more worthy of thanks and adoration than I offer to Him. In reading this morning, I found these verses again, "Lam 3:22 & 23, "It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Write 31: Silence
Sometimes singleness can feel like a long silence. A space of nothingness when no real activity is going on and waiting is basically all that is occurring. On the other hand, recently the Lord has helped me with just getting up and getting on with doing things that count for eternity.
He has inspired such a wonderful zeal and passion again with my precious little class of Cubbies during Awana on Wednesday nights.
He has given me such a sweet group of ladies to corral these squirming, curious, loving, active little bodies and I feel so blessed.
Not that this time of singleness is so wonderful that I am perfectly content with being single for the rest of my life. Yes, I really would like to be married someday (soon, preferably!). Yes, I really would like to be a mother with little darlings of my own to raise for the glory of God, but until then, with the Lord's help, I give up this silence for Him to fill with a song for Himself. A song interwoven with intricate melodies and harmonies, contrasting patterns and accents, full of color and life. A song that only He Himself can produce and that only He deserves to have played in His honor.
Lord, fill up this silence with praise for Your name. Let me give You all my dreams and my hopes. Help me give You all my dreams, all my wishes and longings. You are worthy whether I ever have a man of my own or not. You are glorious and I will praise You! Thank you for this special time in my life and may You be exalted through it!
Sometimes singleness can feel like a long silence. A space of nothingness when no real activity is going on and waiting is basically all that is occurring. On the other hand, recently the Lord has helped me with just getting up and getting on with doing things that count for eternity.
He has inspired such a wonderful zeal and passion again with my precious little class of Cubbies during Awana on Wednesday nights.
He has given me such a sweet group of ladies to corral these squirming, curious, loving, active little bodies and I feel so blessed.
Not that this time of singleness is so wonderful that I am perfectly content with being single for the rest of my life. Yes, I really would like to be married someday (soon, preferably!). Yes, I really would like to be a mother with little darlings of my own to raise for the glory of God, but until then, with the Lord's help, I give up this silence for Him to fill with a song for Himself. A song interwoven with intricate melodies and harmonies, contrasting patterns and accents, full of color and life. A song that only He Himself can produce and that only He deserves to have played in His honor.
Lord, fill up this silence with praise for Your name. Let me give You all my dreams and my hopes. Help me give You all my dreams, all my wishes and longings. You are worthy whether I ever have a man of my own or not. You are glorious and I will praise You! Thank you for this special time in my life and may You be exalted through it!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Write 31: Joy
Every time I go in the campus library, I inevitably see or encounter one of the happiest people I ever remember meeting. I call her "Miss Iris". She's perky, sweet, and is either smiling, laughing, or about to. She works at her job efficiently and is constantly inquiring about her coworkers or other students on campus. I absolutely love her, with her encouraging and contagious bubbly laugh and smiling face.
Isn't joy an absolutely wonderful thing? It's probably one of the only things {that we might rightly} envy. When another person has joy, it makes it "want-able".
True joy comes from knowing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Things may provide happiness for a short time, but eventually their pleasure fades. Knowing Jesus produces a joy that surpasses circumstances and situations. We read this in Paul's letter to the church at Philippi in {his book called} Philippians. Time after time, Paul exhibits a joyful spirit, despite being confined in one of the worst prisons that correctional systems have known. "Rejoice!" Paul writes. {Phil. 4:4.} "Be joyful in Christ for me, for, even though I'm bound, God's Word is not!" {Phil. 1:12-18.} What an attitude! One that I would like to have more of! So many times, I get caught up in situations, that I fail to focus on what really matters. {Stop.} Knowing Christ, though, puts things in proper perspective and provides me with a joy that can't be manufactured or gotten from any source other than Him! His glory and His kingdom are the most important things, why do I so easily focus on things that don't really matter? He is inspiring joy in me, and with His help, I will serve Him and focus on His eternal kingdom--with joy!
Every time I go in the campus library, I inevitably see or encounter one of the happiest people I ever remember meeting. I call her "Miss Iris". She's perky, sweet, and is either smiling, laughing, or about to. She works at her job efficiently and is constantly inquiring about her coworkers or other students on campus. I absolutely love her, with her encouraging and contagious bubbly laugh and smiling face.
Isn't joy an absolutely wonderful thing? It's probably one of the only things {that we might rightly} envy. When another person has joy, it makes it "want-able".
True joy comes from knowing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Things may provide happiness for a short time, but eventually their pleasure fades. Knowing Jesus produces a joy that surpasses circumstances and situations. We read this in Paul's letter to the church at Philippi in {his book called} Philippians. Time after time, Paul exhibits a joyful spirit, despite being confined in one of the worst prisons that correctional systems have known. "Rejoice!" Paul writes. {Phil. 4:4.} "Be joyful in Christ for me, for, even though I'm bound, God's Word is not!" {Phil. 1:12-18.} What an attitude! One that I would like to have more of! So many times, I get caught up in situations, that I fail to focus on what really matters. {Stop.} Knowing Christ, though, puts things in proper perspective and provides me with a joy that can't be manufactured or gotten from any source other than Him! His glory and His kingdom are the most important things, why do I so easily focus on things that don't really matter? He is inspiring joy in me, and with His help, I will serve Him and focus on His eternal kingdom--with joy!
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Write 31: Value
"This is Serenity. I call her Ren," my little chocolate-chip-cookie girl grinned up at me. Her friend stood beside her looking awkward and uncertain. Her bangs were choppy and her face was chubby. Her clothes reeked of nicotine.
"How old are you, Serenity?" I asked trying to make the little girl feel comfortable.
"Four," she said.
"Wow!" I was surprised. "You're tall!"
During the evening as we moved through the pledges, song time, color time, puppet time, and lesson time, I tried to make an effort with her as well as my other Cubbies. She was shy, a little unsure. I sensed that some of the people around didn't think much of her. I didn't like that, but I could also sense a bit of aloofness coming up in me.
Value. This precious little child has so much value in the eyes of the Heavenly Father. She was here, right in my class room! I got to teach her about her great Creator, got to hold her hand, complement her artwork, comment about random things. Did she see her value through me? or did she know that I had a hard time with the smell of her clothes sometimes, the awkwardness of her enthusiasm once she warmed up? I sure hope not. What a precious soul to my Savior! She has value and I want her to know that she is loved!
Lord, help me to love the people you put into my life. Not just those that are "lovable", but those that don't fit my stereotypical ideas, those that are considered "misfits" in society. Change my heart and fill it with genuine love for others. Cause me to see the value You place on souls.
{I put some of these thoughts into a poem here.}
"This is Serenity. I call her Ren," my little chocolate-chip-cookie girl grinned up at me. Her friend stood beside her looking awkward and uncertain. Her bangs were choppy and her face was chubby. Her clothes reeked of nicotine.
"How old are you, Serenity?" I asked trying to make the little girl feel comfortable.
"Four," she said.
"Wow!" I was surprised. "You're tall!"
During the evening as we moved through the pledges, song time, color time, puppet time, and lesson time, I tried to make an effort with her as well as my other Cubbies. She was shy, a little unsure. I sensed that some of the people around didn't think much of her. I didn't like that, but I could also sense a bit of aloofness coming up in me.
Value. This precious little child has so much value in the eyes of the Heavenly Father. She was here, right in my class room! I got to teach her about her great Creator, got to hold her hand, complement her artwork, comment about random things. Did she see her value through me? or did she know that I had a hard time with the smell of her clothes sometimes, the awkwardness of her enthusiasm once she warmed up? I sure hope not. What a precious soul to my Savior! She has value and I want her to know that she is loved!
Lord, help me to love the people you put into my life. Not just those that are "lovable", but those that don't fit my stereotypical ideas, those that are considered "misfits" in society. Change my heart and fill it with genuine love for others. Cause me to see the value You place on souls.
{I put some of these thoughts into a poem here.}
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Write 31: Wave
A Prayer
Oh Father, I am so fickle. I remind myself of the wave of the sea that James wrote about. {James 1:5-8.} How ashamed I am of what I see myself to be!
As if I could play with Your trustworthiness! I seem to have one of those little yard flowers in my hand, but instead of "He loves me", I say, "I trust Him, I trust Him not" with every pinch of those precious petals. Oh, how horrid, this wave that is me! Oh Father, is there still cure for one like me?
You are the One Who said to the wind and the waves, "Peace, be still." Can You calm me? Not that I wonder if You can, but would You please?
You are the One Who walked out on those waves and had no fear of falling through them. You are the Master of all waves. Master me. Overcome my fickleness.
You are the One Who caught Peter as he was sinking in the waves. Catch me as I sink down in my wavely-ness. Only You can save my sinking nature. Only You can change me from this instability to being a steadfast, immovable, trusting child of Yours. Will You help me?
I know You will. You say that You will never leave me or forsake me. You tell me that You are the Author and Finisher of my faith. You say that I am Yours, that You have chosen me and You will never give up on me. Why? Only because of Your mercy, I see. It's not because of me, Precious Savior. So rescue, so calm, so be the Master of me, this wave.
Oh Father, I am so fickle. I remind myself of the wave of the sea that James wrote about. {James 1:5-8.} How ashamed I am of what I see myself to be!
As if I could play with Your trustworthiness! I seem to have one of those little yard flowers in my hand, but instead of "He loves me", I say, "I trust Him, I trust Him not" with every pinch of those precious petals. Oh, how horrid, this wave that is me! Oh Father, is there still cure for one like me?
You are the One Who said to the wind and the waves, "Peace, be still." Can You calm me? Not that I wonder if You can, but would You please?
You are the One Who walked out on those waves and had no fear of falling through them. You are the Master of all waves. Master me. Overcome my fickleness.
You are the One Who caught Peter as he was sinking in the waves. Catch me as I sink down in my wavely-ness. Only You can save my sinking nature. Only You can change me from this instability to being a steadfast, immovable, trusting child of Yours. Will You help me?
I know You will. You say that You will never leave me or forsake me. You tell me that You are the Author and Finisher of my faith. You say that I am Yours, that You have chosen me and You will never give up on me. Why? Only because of Your mercy, I see. It's not because of me, Precious Savior. So rescue, so calm, so be the Master of me, this wave.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Write 31: Temporary
I examine my toenails. The paint's so chipped, I should take it off soon.
I've been missing keeping up with my guitar. The callouses on my fingertips aren't what they should be.
Nail polish and callouses: temporary.
What if what I'm spending most of my life doing is temporal?
Is it?
It's a shuddering-hard question to face. When all of this life is up for me, will I have spent it on things amounting to sawdust....or jewels?
The things we do for Christ and with His strength aren't temporary. They last forever. They are what I really want to be doing.
Sometimes I imagine, from reading His Word, coming up to His Throne with my head bent low when I finally reach His Presence, coming up to His feet and having piles of jewels, (time well-spent), to lay before Him. That's what I want to do, at least.
What shame to come boldly to His Throne with sacks full to bursting--only to set them down and see, to my horror, that they were only filled with sawdust.
And what are those jewel-things? those things that truly honor my King?
Prayer. Ah, how I fail in that area! {Help me, my Lord, to do better!}
Telling others about my Blessed Savior. Yes, I fail there, too!
Trusting Him is yet another. Wow. Strike three.
And these are just a few examples! Yet, He gives me another day, another opportunity to get up, and seek His face, and learn better how I am to live this life He's loaned me.
It's definitely not in my strength that I can do better! It's not by my ability that I could ever present to Him something worthwhile! It must be all of Him, all through Jesus Christ, my Righteous Redeemer, Who sacrificed Himself for me despite my worthlessness and makes me able to serve Him despite my weakness and failures. How great an Eternal God is mine! With His help, I'll live for more than "things temporary".
I examine my toenails. The paint's so chipped, I should take it off soon.
I've been missing keeping up with my guitar. The callouses on my fingertips aren't what they should be.
Nail polish and callouses: temporary.
What if what I'm spending most of my life doing is temporal?
Is it?
It's a shuddering-hard question to face. When all of this life is up for me, will I have spent it on things amounting to sawdust....or jewels?
The things we do for Christ and with His strength aren't temporary. They last forever. They are what I really want to be doing.
Sometimes I imagine, from reading His Word, coming up to His Throne with my head bent low when I finally reach His Presence, coming up to His feet and having piles of jewels, (time well-spent), to lay before Him. That's what I want to do, at least.
What shame to come boldly to His Throne with sacks full to bursting--only to set them down and see, to my horror, that they were only filled with sawdust.
And what are those jewel-things? those things that truly honor my King?
Prayer. Ah, how I fail in that area! {Help me, my Lord, to do better!}
Telling others about my Blessed Savior. Yes, I fail there, too!
Trusting Him is yet another. Wow. Strike three.
And these are just a few examples! Yet, He gives me another day, another opportunity to get up, and seek His face, and learn better how I am to live this life He's loaned me.
It's definitely not in my strength that I can do better! It's not by my ability that I could ever present to Him something worthwhile! It must be all of Him, all through Jesus Christ, my Righteous Redeemer, Who sacrificed Himself for me despite my worthlessness and makes me able to serve Him despite my weakness and failures. How great an Eternal God is mine! With His help, I'll live for more than "things temporary".
Monday, October 19, 2015
Write 31: Honor
1 Timothy 5:17, "Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine."
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, "And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves."
The word honorable can go in so many directions, but what I think of now in this month of October, is how much honor is due my pastors. This is Pastor Appreciation month, the time we typically take at our church to express gratitude and love to our godly leaders. It shouldn't be just a one-time-a-year thing, though. My pastors are so worthy of honor for all the love and hard work they have put into the ministry God has given them.
Bro. Earl is so dear to our family. He has patiently, lovingly lead and taught the flock of God for years now and how much I want to bless him! How I want him to continue on and be encouraged and not burn out!
Bro. Nick, still new to Victory Road in my mind, is likewise worthy of honor. He has jumped into the tasks handed him by Bro. Earl and the church as a whole, has adapted to this new area, bringing his family from far away, and has handled so many situations with such grace. Now our Sunday School teacher, I get to see firsthand just a few of the sticky situations he has to moderate as different temperaments and personalities combine for a meaningful time in the word of God. How much I want for him and Lydia and their little ones!
Then there are my former pastors. I can't forget dear Bro. Mike now serving the Lord in a far away country as faithful there as he was here. I miss him still, but am thankful for the Lord using him to reach another people in desperate need of the Gospel.
These pastors and so many need to have the prayers of God's people lifting them up.
Especially at a time when we're seeing so many spiritual leaders falling, I must be willing to humble myself before Almighty God on their behalf that they may be able to stand. My pastors are not the only ones who need such prayers, but pastors across the globe do, too! May I be unselfish in the use of my moments and take the time to intercede on the behalf of those who desire to handle the Word of God righteously and are indeed worthy of honor!
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, "And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves."
The word honorable can go in so many directions, but what I think of now in this month of October, is how much honor is due my pastors. This is Pastor Appreciation month, the time we typically take at our church to express gratitude and love to our godly leaders. It shouldn't be just a one-time-a-year thing, though. My pastors are so worthy of honor for all the love and hard work they have put into the ministry God has given them.
Bro. Earl is so dear to our family. He has patiently, lovingly lead and taught the flock of God for years now and how much I want to bless him! How I want him to continue on and be encouraged and not burn out!
Bro. Nick, still new to Victory Road in my mind, is likewise worthy of honor. He has jumped into the tasks handed him by Bro. Earl and the church as a whole, has adapted to this new area, bringing his family from far away, and has handled so many situations with such grace. Now our Sunday School teacher, I get to see firsthand just a few of the sticky situations he has to moderate as different temperaments and personalities combine for a meaningful time in the word of God. How much I want for him and Lydia and their little ones!
Then there are my former pastors. I can't forget dear Bro. Mike now serving the Lord in a far away country as faithful there as he was here. I miss him still, but am thankful for the Lord using him to reach another people in desperate need of the Gospel.
These pastors and so many need to have the prayers of God's people lifting them up.
Especially at a time when we're seeing so many spiritual leaders falling, I must be willing to humble myself before Almighty God on their behalf that they may be able to stand. My pastors are not the only ones who need such prayers, but pastors across the globe do, too! May I be unselfish in the use of my moments and take the time to intercede on the behalf of those who desire to handle the Word of God righteously and are indeed worthy of honor!
Friends and Emotions
Romans 12:15, "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep."
It's amazing how having multiple social connections can make a person feel so many emotions on the same day. Today, that's me.
My best friend told me about sad news from their pastor friend's family. Due to conflict in the area where he lives, some of his family is leaving to go to what they hope is a safer location. How they need prayer!
My friend Johnna is beginning a courtship at the tender age of 18 years old. Every text conversation we have invariably centers on the excitement of this time in her life. She's so happy and in love, but she needs my prayers for her for wisdom and purity as she and her young man get to know each other better.
My friend Gracia is getting married in less than a month, after being single for awhile. It seems unreal that the Lord has finally brought her to this time in her life and I am both super-excited for her joy and sad thinking about her moving to a different part of the country! She and her fiance need prayer as they face this new stage of life with all its stress and wonderfulness.
My friend Larissa is experience a great fight inside her heart as she realizes the need to forgive certain people in her life. She's seen so many hurts and so much pain. My heart hurts that anyone would have ever mistreated her, yet I pray that she, for her own sake and for the glory of God, can come to the freeing place that is forgiveness and be able to release her bitterness into the capable, loving hands of our Lord.
All these dear friends! What a range of emotions! Sobered and saddened for the pain of separation for this pastor's family and the heartache of conflict in their area, happy for the possibility of a godly man for my dear Johnna and cautiously wanting the best for her, joyful for Gracia's upcoming marriage with its blessings and prayerful for the accompanying transitions she and her fiance will face, longing for a victory for Larissa and hurting with her in her heartache.
I am not the only one to have felt such a gamut of feelings. In Isaiah 53:4, I read of Jesus, "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted." My Jesus knew conflict and sorrow, He knew joy at a the wedding of an acquaintance, He knew torture and mistreatment. He knew the many emotions we know and what's even more amazing, He carries our hurts for us! What a refuge I find in Him when the emotions of life are too much for me!
It's amazing how having multiple social connections can make a person feel so many emotions on the same day. Today, that's me.
My best friend told me about sad news from their pastor friend's family. Due to conflict in the area where he lives, some of his family is leaving to go to what they hope is a safer location. How they need prayer!
My friend Johnna is beginning a courtship at the tender age of 18 years old. Every text conversation we have invariably centers on the excitement of this time in her life. She's so happy and in love, but she needs my prayers for her for wisdom and purity as she and her young man get to know each other better.
My friend Gracia is getting married in less than a month, after being single for awhile. It seems unreal that the Lord has finally brought her to this time in her life and I am both super-excited for her joy and sad thinking about her moving to a different part of the country! She and her fiance need prayer as they face this new stage of life with all its stress and wonderfulness.
My friend Larissa is experience a great fight inside her heart as she realizes the need to forgive certain people in her life. She's seen so many hurts and so much pain. My heart hurts that anyone would have ever mistreated her, yet I pray that she, for her own sake and for the glory of God, can come to the freeing place that is forgiveness and be able to release her bitterness into the capable, loving hands of our Lord.
All these dear friends! What a range of emotions! Sobered and saddened for the pain of separation for this pastor's family and the heartache of conflict in their area, happy for the possibility of a godly man for my dear Johnna and cautiously wanting the best for her, joyful for Gracia's upcoming marriage with its blessings and prayerful for the accompanying transitions she and her fiance will face, longing for a victory for Larissa and hurting with her in her heartache.
I am not the only one to have felt such a gamut of feelings. In Isaiah 53:4, I read of Jesus, "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted." My Jesus knew conflict and sorrow, He knew joy at a the wedding of an acquaintance, He knew torture and mistreatment. He knew the many emotions we know and what's even more amazing, He carries our hurts for us! What a refuge I find in Him when the emotions of life are too much for me!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Write 31: Worth
Worthy is the King of creation! Worthy is the Lamb, the Son of God, Who was killed for our sins and raised back to life after three days! Worthy of honor and dominion and might and power! Worthy of glory and praise! My God reigns and He is so worthy!
How often do I give to Him the praise and glory due Him, though? The Bible says that one day, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father, but how much bowing of my knees and humbling of my heart do I do before Him now? Not nearly what He's worth!
Recently, though, He has again encouraged my heart in the matter of prayer to approach His Throne of Grace more often and to obtain mercy and help in my times of need. Before I meet those times of need, though, I ought to be giving Him my {undistressed moments of} time--He's definitely worth it! After all, how much He has done for me even though I was completely unworthy!
Through the precious righteous blood of Jesus Christ He made me worthy! It's still something I cannot fathom or explain but it is a free gift offered to anyone who will believe in it and repent of their sins before God!
How can it be that the King of the Universe could make an unworthy sinner like myself have worth? I shake my head in awe. Therefore, because of this, how much worth I feel He has! I come before Him, humbly. I know not how to give Him what He is due, but by His help I offer my little life for His use, for He is worthy!
Worthy is the King of creation! Worthy is the Lamb, the Son of God, Who was killed for our sins and raised back to life after three days! Worthy of honor and dominion and might and power! Worthy of glory and praise! My God reigns and He is so worthy!
How often do I give to Him the praise and glory due Him, though? The Bible says that one day, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father, but how much bowing of my knees and humbling of my heart do I do before Him now? Not nearly what He's worth!
Recently, though, He has again encouraged my heart in the matter of prayer to approach His Throne of Grace more often and to obtain mercy and help in my times of need. Before I meet those times of need, though, I ought to be giving Him my {undistressed moments of} time--He's definitely worth it! After all, how much He has done for me even though I was completely unworthy!
Through the precious righteous blood of Jesus Christ He made me worthy! It's still something I cannot fathom or explain but it is a free gift offered to anyone who will believe in it and repent of their sins before God!
How can it be that the King of the Universe could make an unworthy sinner like myself have worth? I shake my head in awe. Therefore, because of this, how much worth I feel He has! I come before Him, humbly. I know not how to give Him what He is due, but by His help I offer my little life for His use, for He is worthy!
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Write 31: Offer
What do I have to offer my God? He doesn't need anything that I can give Him and all that I have has come from His hand, so it's not that I have anything of my own self that He doesn't have. It's all His. Yet there are two things that I am thinking of that I must give and offer to Him.
First is my praise. Throughout the Bible and especially in the Psalms, the Bible commands God's people to give Him the praise due to His name. His name is worthy, holy, righteous, trustworthy, pure, faithful, and a strong tower for His people. Therefore I must give to Him my songs of praise, my words of praise, and a life of praise. This will involve getting to know Him through spending time reading His precious words written down for me and in meditation and communication with Him in quiet alone moments throughout each day.
The second thing I must offer my Lord is my life. All of it. I have started reading Andrew Murray's Absolute Surrender {You can get it, too, without charge by downloading e-sword to your computer and then downloading Murray's book to your e-sword account!} and already, not but just a few paragraphs in, I am convicted by my lack of total surrender to the King of the Universe and the One Who took my ransom price upon His shoulders. How much I owe Him! Jesus Christ died taking the punishment of my sins! How ought I to ever live in gratitude knowing that I have a debt I can never repay, but out of pure love for my New Master I ought to ever strive to serve and give Him my everything.
The gifts we lift up to our Creator when given in humility and simplicity of heart are precious offerings through Jesus Christ His Son. So let me offer.
What do I have to offer my God? He doesn't need anything that I can give Him and all that I have has come from His hand, so it's not that I have anything of my own self that He doesn't have. It's all His. Yet there are two things that I am thinking of that I must give and offer to Him.
First is my praise. Throughout the Bible and especially in the Psalms, the Bible commands God's people to give Him the praise due to His name. His name is worthy, holy, righteous, trustworthy, pure, faithful, and a strong tower for His people. Therefore I must give to Him my songs of praise, my words of praise, and a life of praise. This will involve getting to know Him through spending time reading His precious words written down for me and in meditation and communication with Him in quiet alone moments throughout each day.
The second thing I must offer my Lord is my life. All of it. I have started reading Andrew Murray's Absolute Surrender {You can get it, too, without charge by downloading e-sword to your computer and then downloading Murray's book to your e-sword account!} and already, not but just a few paragraphs in, I am convicted by my lack of total surrender to the King of the Universe and the One Who took my ransom price upon His shoulders. How much I owe Him! Jesus Christ died taking the punishment of my sins! How ought I to ever live in gratitude knowing that I have a debt I can never repay, but out of pure love for my New Master I ought to ever strive to serve and give Him my everything.
The gifts we lift up to our Creator when given in humility and simplicity of heart are precious offerings through Jesus Christ His Son. So let me offer.
Friday, October 16, 2015
Write 31: Green
Yay! It's Friday and I'm joining up with the fun "gaggle" of writers at Kate Motaung's place! Check out that corner of the blogosphere for some wonderful posts on Green! We're also continuing with Day 16 of October's Write 31!
Green reminds me of yesterday when I went for a "jaunt" with my dear Mother over the pastures that suround our house. Her cousin is a cattleman and the fields he owns often call to me to run over them with full-out abandon, only thing is, I rarely do for the lack of decorum it would show. (ha!) But yesterday, we decided to go for a trek across the green. It was a beautiful afternoon and we had a wonderful time walking together, not necessarily talking, just being in companionship, sometimes commenting about how things have grown up or changed.
It's all my great-grandfather's land, so beautiful, so rolling, so peaceful. I love this land, this full-of-green-ness. My cousin has taken such good care of it and has put it to such good use as he raises his herds.
At one point, Mother and I came to a beautiful meadow hidden away behind the woods. "Time me, please, and when I get to that patch of light on the farther side, I'll yell 'yoo!' and you can stop the timer!" Mother good-naturedly agreed and I took off. What a feeling of elation as I took my pell-mell course against the land that was once my grandfather's Papa's. What a joy and delight to enjoy the green with my dear Mother!
What about you? What places delight you?
Green reminds me of yesterday when I went for a "jaunt" with my dear Mother over the pastures that suround our house. Her cousin is a cattleman and the fields he owns often call to me to run over them with full-out abandon, only thing is, I rarely do for the lack of decorum it would show. (ha!) But yesterday, we decided to go for a trek across the green. It was a beautiful afternoon and we had a wonderful time walking together, not necessarily talking, just being in companionship, sometimes commenting about how things have grown up or changed.
It's all my great-grandfather's land, so beautiful, so rolling, so peaceful. I love this land, this full-of-green-ness. My cousin has taken such good care of it and has put it to such good use as he raises his herds.
At one point, Mother and I came to a beautiful meadow hidden away behind the woods. "Time me, please, and when I get to that patch of light on the farther side, I'll yell 'yoo!' and you can stop the timer!" Mother good-naturedly agreed and I took off. What a feeling of elation as I took my pell-mell course against the land that was once my grandfather's Papa's. What a joy and delight to enjoy the green with my dear Mother!
What about you? What places delight you?
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Write 31: Laugh
In preparation for writing this post, I got to thinking about the different laughs of my family members. Just remembering them, made me start smiling and laughing myself! There's the hnck, hnck, hnck of my Uncle Alvin when he laughs, the deep, amused laugh that bubbles out of my Aunt Edna, the squint-your-eyes-and-wrinkle-your-nose full-out laughter when my Dad finds something really hilarious and the clap-your-hands-with-delight laugh of my Mother, and the laugh-until-your-sides-are-hurting-and-you're-crying laugh of Kyrie's. I remember my Grandmother's laugh how it would sometimes start out high-pitch and then taper down in such an endearing way and also the way she would chuckle sometimes and wriggle her shoulders if she'd made some "typically-her" remark (like how she didn't look cute when she took her teeth out!). There was the sarcastic/forced laugh of my dear Grandfather when he would be trying to get the grandkids' attention, or the I-can-barely-breathe-or-tell-this-joke laugh of his when he would try to relate something funny he'd heard on Paul Harvey's show.
All of my family have their own unique laughs, all which inspire a joy and delight (and usually laughter) in me. You know, joy is contagious! {Stop.} The Bible says, "the joy of the LORD is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). Maybe that's why we laugh so much: the Lord is our strength. He holds us together as a family and keeps our lives safe in His hands. We don't always have great days and we aren't always sunshine-y and laughing, but when we laugh, even in the midst of "life-stickiness", it must come from Him, for He is the Author of true joy!
In preparation for writing this post, I got to thinking about the different laughs of my family members. Just remembering them, made me start smiling and laughing myself! There's the hnck, hnck, hnck of my Uncle Alvin when he laughs, the deep, amused laugh that bubbles out of my Aunt Edna, the squint-your-eyes-and-wrinkle-your-nose full-out laughter when my Dad finds something really hilarious and the clap-your-hands-with-delight laugh of my Mother, and the laugh-until-your-sides-are-hurting-and-you're-crying laugh of Kyrie's. I remember my Grandmother's laugh how it would sometimes start out high-pitch and then taper down in such an endearing way and also the way she would chuckle sometimes and wriggle her shoulders if she'd made some "typically-her" remark (like how she didn't look cute when she took her teeth out!). There was the sarcastic/forced laugh of my dear Grandfather when he would be trying to get the grandkids' attention, or the I-can-barely-breathe-or-tell-this-joke laugh of his when he would try to relate something funny he'd heard on Paul Harvey's show.
All of my family have their own unique laughs, all which inspire a joy and delight (and usually laughter) in me. You know, joy is contagious! {Stop.} The Bible says, "the joy of the LORD is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). Maybe that's why we laugh so much: the Lord is our strength. He holds us together as a family and keeps our lives safe in His hands. We don't always have great days and we aren't always sunshine-y and laughing, but when we laugh, even in the midst of "life-stickiness", it must come from Him, for He is the Author of true joy!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Write 31: Fly
I got to have my first memorable experience with flying in 2011. I say "first memorable" because, up until that time, any flying I had done had been as a baby, too little to remember. When our church took a missions trip to Trinidad in June of 2011, I joined the ranks of "flyers" and was ecstatic with the whole expereince. I loved looking out the window, gazing at the islands or beautiful ocean below. If neither of those sights were available, I could gaze for miles out at puffy white clouds. All of these pointed me to my Awesome Creator!
A family verse used in flying is Deuteronomy 33:27, "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms:" My God is always available; He always keeps me.
Psalm 91:4 says of my Lord that, "He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust:", showing the comparison of my Lord being the mighty protector like the mother birds He created.
No matter what is going on in my life, I can trust that my Heavenly Father, has all things under His control and that, "they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31.) Under the wings of my Lord, carried by His arms, I can fly and find myself perfectly safe no matter the storms or troubles surrounding me.
I got to have my first memorable experience with flying in 2011. I say "first memorable" because, up until that time, any flying I had done had been as a baby, too little to remember. When our church took a missions trip to Trinidad in June of 2011, I joined the ranks of "flyers" and was ecstatic with the whole expereince. I loved looking out the window, gazing at the islands or beautiful ocean below. If neither of those sights were available, I could gaze for miles out at puffy white clouds. All of these pointed me to my Awesome Creator!
A family verse used in flying is Deuteronomy 33:27, "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms:" My God is always available; He always keeps me.
Psalm 91:4 says of my Lord that, "He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust:", showing the comparison of my Lord being the mighty protector like the mother birds He created.
No matter what is going on in my life, I can trust that my Heavenly Father, has all things under His control and that, "they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31.) Under the wings of my Lord, carried by His arms, I can fly and find myself perfectly safe no matter the storms or troubles surrounding me.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Write 31: Patience
As little as I want to admit it, I have come to the conclusion that I am not a vey patient person. I hope that other people will give me the time I need to formulate my thoughts and express them verbally, but when others need the same amount of time, sad to say, I find myself sometimes looking at the clock or anxiously wondering if they will ever be able to get it all out. Thankfully, my Heavenly Father is not at all like this. He is so patient with me. After all these years, He continues to keep me and let me take as long as I need to get out one thought to Him, or, (even more monumental!), learn and re-learn and re-re-learn (that's probably not a word) lessons that He patiently presents and teaches me. I remarked to my best friend once that the books written by the Apostle Peter, (1 & 2 Peter) must have been written for me. Peter constantly uses words like, "Remember" and "I'm writing to remind you". I'm such a forgetful person only the Lord could have shown me such patience!
I can't exclude dear friends and family memebers though. They have seen so many of my hang-ups and hard times and yet have given me so much love and shown me patience beyond what I deserve.
Both my Lord and my support group of family and friends cause me to want that kind of patience in myself. A patience that lovingly supports a friend who stumbles (yet again!) a child's carelessness, or waiting in line.
In keeping with the word patience, I found this verse concerning my Precious Lord: Romans 15:5, "Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:" How apt is His Word!
As little as I want to admit it, I have come to the conclusion that I am not a vey patient person. I hope that other people will give me the time I need to formulate my thoughts and express them verbally, but when others need the same amount of time, sad to say, I find myself sometimes looking at the clock or anxiously wondering if they will ever be able to get it all out. Thankfully, my Heavenly Father is not at all like this. He is so patient with me. After all these years, He continues to keep me and let me take as long as I need to get out one thought to Him, or, (even more monumental!), learn and re-learn and re-re-learn (that's probably not a word) lessons that He patiently presents and teaches me. I remarked to my best friend once that the books written by the Apostle Peter, (1 & 2 Peter) must have been written for me. Peter constantly uses words like, "Remember" and "I'm writing to remind you". I'm such a forgetful person only the Lord could have shown me such patience!
I can't exclude dear friends and family memebers though. They have seen so many of my hang-ups and hard times and yet have given me so much love and shown me patience beyond what I deserve.
Both my Lord and my support group of family and friends cause me to want that kind of patience in myself. A patience that lovingly supports a friend who stumbles (yet again!) a child's carelessness, or waiting in line.
In keeping with the word patience, I found this verse concerning my Precious Lord: Romans 15:5, "Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:" How apt is His Word!
Monday, October 12, 2015
Write 31: Storm
Psalm 107:23-31, "They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the deep. For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof. They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths: their soul is melted because of trouble. They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits' end. Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses. He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven. Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!"
There haven't been many storms in my lifetime that have made me greatly afraid. I live near the Gulf Coast, so my family was once threatened with a hurricane making landfall, but nothing significant happened. In fact, at that point, it was just an exciting event, seeing the sky get grey and the wind pick up, having my Dad board up our windows, and getting to take a trip to see my grandparents. It was more like vacation than a potential catastrophe!
Since then, though, there have been many storms in my soul. My, I remember some of them so fierce I felt like the sailors in the above verses from Psalms!
When would I get out of the torrents, the lightning, the shock of the waves? Or would I ever? Some of the storms lasted so long, I was almost giving up with ever seeing the light of day.
But then my Lord came.
Just as He did in the Biblical account where He walked on the water to His disciples, who were sick with fright and crouched in the boat, so my Jesus came to me and rebuked my storm and set me on the right course again. The sun shone, the clouds were glorious instead of dreadful, and my tear-streaked face was upturned to my Heavenly Father again.
Perhaps you are in such a storm: look to the Master of the waves. He knows right where you are and can calm the storm and give you aid. Call out to Him. He loves you and He wants to give you peace and calm your storm. Trust in Jesus.
For those of you who are just joining in on this blog and wondering what "Write 31" is, it's a writing challenge spanning the length of October. We writers take a specified word and bang out our thoughts in approximately five minutes, trying not to edit or do any major correcting after the time is up. It's been a great experience! If you would like to join something a little less intense, though, I'd love to invite you to join us every Friday over at Kate Motaung's place where we gather to do the same "five-minute frenzy" but only on Fridays! Come be a part!
There haven't been many storms in my lifetime that have made me greatly afraid. I live near the Gulf Coast, so my family was once threatened with a hurricane making landfall, but nothing significant happened. In fact, at that point, it was just an exciting event, seeing the sky get grey and the wind pick up, having my Dad board up our windows, and getting to take a trip to see my grandparents. It was more like vacation than a potential catastrophe!
Since then, though, there have been many storms in my soul. My, I remember some of them so fierce I felt like the sailors in the above verses from Psalms!
When would I get out of the torrents, the lightning, the shock of the waves? Or would I ever? Some of the storms lasted so long, I was almost giving up with ever seeing the light of day.
But then my Lord came.
Just as He did in the Biblical account where He walked on the water to His disciples, who were sick with fright and crouched in the boat, so my Jesus came to me and rebuked my storm and set me on the right course again. The sun shone, the clouds were glorious instead of dreadful, and my tear-streaked face was upturned to my Heavenly Father again.
Perhaps you are in such a storm: look to the Master of the waves. He knows right where you are and can calm the storm and give you aid. Call out to Him. He loves you and He wants to give you peace and calm your storm. Trust in Jesus.
For those of you who are just joining in on this blog and wondering what "Write 31" is, it's a writing challenge spanning the length of October. We writers take a specified word and bang out our thoughts in approximately five minutes, trying not to edit or do any major correcting after the time is up. It's been a great experience! If you would like to join something a little less intense, though, I'd love to invite you to join us every Friday over at Kate Motaung's place where we gather to do the same "five-minute frenzy" but only on Fridays! Come be a part!
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Write 31: Rest
"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him," my Mother quoted with her precious wisdom. I had confided in her some of my stuggles and, oh!, what a good thing it was to divide the burden!
What a blessing it is to be able to rest in the Lord.
My precious friend with whom I have been spending time lately doesn't know this rest.
She is so sweet and friendly and nice, but she doesn't know my God and my heart grieves because of it.
How can I communicate to her that I want so desperately that she know the Lord I know? that she serve the God I serve?
How can I convey to her how much He means to me? how great and wonderful He is? how awesome and restful is being in His presence?
I can't on my own ability. For this, too, I must rest in my precious Lord.
He loves my friend far more than I ever could. He has brought her to America, far from her homeland, and I greatly desire that He could somehow use me to point her to Himself.
For the burden I shared with my Mother, I find rest in the Lord.
For the desire I have for my dear friend, I can rest in the Lord.
For the future and all it's worries, I must rest in the Lord.
Today, as I join with brothers and sisters to praise and worship our Mighty Lord, I can rest knowing that My God exists and that He is a Rewarder of all those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6.) He is my rest and my peace!
"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him," my Mother quoted with her precious wisdom. I had confided in her some of my stuggles and, oh!, what a good thing it was to divide the burden!
What a blessing it is to be able to rest in the Lord.
My precious friend with whom I have been spending time lately doesn't know this rest.
She is so sweet and friendly and nice, but she doesn't know my God and my heart grieves because of it.
How can I communicate to her that I want so desperately that she know the Lord I know? that she serve the God I serve?
How can I convey to her how much He means to me? how great and wonderful He is? how awesome and restful is being in His presence?
I can't on my own ability. For this, too, I must rest in my precious Lord.
He loves my friend far more than I ever could. He has brought her to America, far from her homeland, and I greatly desire that He could somehow use me to point her to Himself.
For the burden I shared with my Mother, I find rest in the Lord.
For the desire I have for my dear friend, I can rest in the Lord.
For the future and all it's worries, I must rest in the Lord.
Today, as I join with brothers and sisters to praise and worship our Mighty Lord, I can rest knowing that My God exists and that He is a Rewarder of all those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6.) He is my rest and my peace!
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Write 31: Ready
I really have been struggling with trusting the Lord for some reason.
All these things have piled up in my life and I haven't just turned them over to my Great and All-Capable, Loving Father as I should have.
I've gotten so stressed out and it's time to return. I am ready to be rid of all these things and, with empty arms, again reach up to my Father and worship Him like He deserves.
You see, when my arms are filled with "my things" and "my worries" trying to juggle them keeps me so distracted that I can't pay attention to my Worthy Lord. And, wow, do I feel yucky-sick inside because of it!
So, I'm ready to come back.
I look at the "now" and am confused and unable: it's time to give it up. I'm ready.
I look at the "yet to come" and am uncertain and easily concermed about it: it's time to surrender all of that to my Father. I'm ready.
I find that I am unable to give it all up, to submit myself to His design and will. He is able, though, and as I come before Him with arms and hands full, struggling to lift them up to His able hands, I find that He is ready, too. He has been ready all along to reach down and take all these troubles which are tremendously huge to me, but only bits and particles to Him. In His hands, troubles aren't so big or so important. There where He can work on them and with them, I can leave them and just sit before Him, with eyes wide and heart full of only Him.
I really have been struggling with trusting the Lord for some reason.
All these things have piled up in my life and I haven't just turned them over to my Great and All-Capable, Loving Father as I should have.
I've gotten so stressed out and it's time to return. I am ready to be rid of all these things and, with empty arms, again reach up to my Father and worship Him like He deserves.
You see, when my arms are filled with "my things" and "my worries" trying to juggle them keeps me so distracted that I can't pay attention to my Worthy Lord. And, wow, do I feel yucky-sick inside because of it!
So, I'm ready to come back.
I look at the "now" and am confused and unable: it's time to give it up. I'm ready.
I look at the "yet to come" and am uncertain and easily concermed about it: it's time to surrender all of that to my Father. I'm ready.
I find that I am unable to give it all up, to submit myself to His design and will. He is able, though, and as I come before Him with arms and hands full, struggling to lift them up to His able hands, I find that He is ready, too. He has been ready all along to reach down and take all these troubles which are tremendously huge to me, but only bits and particles to Him. In His hands, troubles aren't so big or so important. There where He can work on them and with them, I can leave them and just sit before Him, with eyes wide and heart full of only Him.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Write 31: Trust
There is never a time not to trust in the Lord.
This reality is being hammered home to me recently and I am bettered because of it.
As I look across the spectrum of "life" from childhood, to young adulthood, to old age, there are so many factors and causes of stress that it could be so easy to worry oneself to death and be stressed constantly! These facts don't help me out; instead, they raise my blood pressure and cause a whole host of other physical maladies.
I see something totally different from the Bible, however. When I look there, I realize that my Heavenly Father loves me, knows about my needs and the transitory nature of this world, knows that stress and difficult situations abound, and tells me to "trust" in Him.
Why? It's so much easier to worry and stress out! But He tells me this for my good.
He loves me. He wants me to be at peace even in the midst of tricky and harrowing circumstances, even when my future is "up in the air" and the days and weeks and years to come is uncertain.
When I trust in Him and ask for His peace to fill me and meet my needs, how much more rest I get! How much calmer I am! How much more do I enjoy life!
Yes, there are many things going on for me right now, and I am sure there are in your life as well! I would like to encourage you, however, to put your trust and set your hope in the Almighty God Who knows all things, (past, present, and future!), and is working all things out for the good of those who love Him! Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.
Join the party at Kate Motaung's Five Minute Friday blogging get-together!
There is never a time not to trust in the Lord.
This reality is being hammered home to me recently and I am bettered because of it.
As I look across the spectrum of "life" from childhood, to young adulthood, to old age, there are so many factors and causes of stress that it could be so easy to worry oneself to death and be stressed constantly! These facts don't help me out; instead, they raise my blood pressure and cause a whole host of other physical maladies.
I see something totally different from the Bible, however. When I look there, I realize that my Heavenly Father loves me, knows about my needs and the transitory nature of this world, knows that stress and difficult situations abound, and tells me to "trust" in Him.
Why? It's so much easier to worry and stress out! But He tells me this for my good.
He loves me. He wants me to be at peace even in the midst of tricky and harrowing circumstances, even when my future is "up in the air" and the days and weeks and years to come is uncertain.
When I trust in Him and ask for His peace to fill me and meet my needs, how much more rest I get! How much calmer I am! How much more do I enjoy life!
Yes, there are many things going on for me right now, and I am sure there are in your life as well! I would like to encourage you, however, to put your trust and set your hope in the Almighty God Who knows all things, (past, present, and future!), and is working all things out for the good of those who love Him! Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.
Join the party at Kate Motaung's Five Minute Friday blogging get-together!
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Write 31: Purple
"Oh! then repeat the truth that never tires;
No God is like the God my soul desires;
He at whose voice heaven trembles, even He,
Great as He is, knows how to stoop to me."
Charles H. Spurgeon,
Morning and Evening Daily Readings, p.544
Pure at heart
Right with Almighty God
Pleasing in His sight through Jesus' blood
Loved by a merciful Father
Eternally secure in His arms
How can a Holy God love me? I get upset so easily at those who offend.
When my own fist connects solidly with my jaw, I find I cannot blame them if it is only their glove on my hand.
Where does forgiveness come from when confidence has been broken?
From Christ alone Who has forgiven me.
In whom can I find peace when the world I have neatly concocted is raveling to shreds?
In Christ alone Who has my life safely, securely in His hands, from Whom I will never fall away.
My confidence in man can be shaken, broken, utterly destroyed, but my God never lets me down, He never disappoints me, He never causes me to be ashamed.
A compliment about my purple dress can send me on a high, but only God, my God, truly satisfies.
He is my One True Love, my First and Only. He knew me before I was born, loved me despite all the sin that I would commit against His Holy Righteous Self. How precious He is! How awesome and worthy of adoration!
Lord, my life is in Your hands, You have my future just as You hold my present and my past. Though I cannot see ahead for all the fog, Thou Who art above the fog art in control of me below and are not afraid or troubled at a bit of weather. I love You, You give me reason to trust in Who You are. Keep me confident in You alone.
No God is like the God my soul desires;
He at whose voice heaven trembles, even He,
Great as He is, knows how to stoop to me."
Charles H. Spurgeon,
Morning and Evening Daily Readings, p.544
Pure at heart
Right with Almighty God
Pleasing in His sight through Jesus' blood
Loved by a merciful Father
Eternally secure in His arms
How can a Holy God love me? I get upset so easily at those who offend.
When my own fist connects solidly with my jaw, I find I cannot blame them if it is only their glove on my hand.
Where does forgiveness come from when confidence has been broken?
From Christ alone Who has forgiven me.
In whom can I find peace when the world I have neatly concocted is raveling to shreds?
In Christ alone Who has my life safely, securely in His hands, from Whom I will never fall away.
My confidence in man can be shaken, broken, utterly destroyed, but my God never lets me down, He never disappoints me, He never causes me to be ashamed.
A compliment about my purple dress can send me on a high, but only God, my God, truly satisfies.
He is my One True Love, my First and Only. He knew me before I was born, loved me despite all the sin that I would commit against His Holy Righteous Self. How precious He is! How awesome and worthy of adoration!
Lord, my life is in Your hands, You have my future just as You hold my present and my past. Though I cannot see ahead for all the fog, Thou Who art above the fog art in control of me below and are not afraid or troubled at a bit of weather. I love You, You give me reason to trust in Who You are. Keep me confident in You alone.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Write 31: Love
What can I write about love when all the loves in the world pale so quickly? Yet this I know: there is one Love, above all others that I cling to and that holds me unendingly. This love is the love of my Savior Jesus Christ which He has so lavished upon me. I am overwhelmed and amazed at the way He loves me despite all my unlovableness. In talking to a young friend, I was again reminded of how wonderful this Love, my Love Jesus Christ, is compared to all men, and all people.
He is slow to get angry with me
He promises that he will never leave me {and keeps His promises}
He provides for my needs now and has a house in preparation for me for when I leave this earth
He protects me from evil now and in my heart
He loves me and my family no matter what
He knows all my friends and loves them too
He is not jealous of me in any way, but wants the best for me
He gives Himself sacrificially. First He died for me in order that I might be rescued from the bondage of sin, then He rose for me so that He can lead me in the new life He gave to me, and now He lives with and inside me, ever available for my needs
His love is unconditional; it's not based on anything I do or do not accomplish
His love is eternal; it will never end
His love is not biased. I am not so good that I deserve it; on the contrary: He is so good that He bestows it
His love is safe: He will never ask me to do anything that will compromise me or do me harm
What can I write about love when all the loves in the world pale so quickly? Yet this I know: there is one Love, above all others that I cling to and that holds me unendingly. This love is the love of my Savior Jesus Christ which He has so lavished upon me. I am overwhelmed and amazed at the way He loves me despite all my unlovableness. In talking to a young friend, I was again reminded of how wonderful this Love, my Love Jesus Christ, is compared to all men, and all people.
He is slow to get angry with me
He promises that he will never leave me {and keeps His promises}
He provides for my needs now and has a house in preparation for me for when I leave this earth
He protects me from evil now and in my heart
He loves me and my family no matter what
He knows all my friends and loves them too
He is not jealous of me in any way, but wants the best for me
He gives Himself sacrificially. First He died for me in order that I might be rescued from the bondage of sin, then He rose for me so that He can lead me in the new life He gave to me, and now He lives with and inside me, ever available for my needs
His love is unconditional; it's not based on anything I do or do not accomplish
His love is eternal; it will never end
His love is not biased. I am not so good that I deserve it; on the contrary: He is so good that He bestows it
His love is safe: He will never ask me to do anything that will compromise me or do me harm
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Write 31: Possible
Luke 18:27, "And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."
{Start.} After what I have seen the Lord accomplish in the past few days, I'm excited. Never would I have been able to have boasted that I could have accomplished the miracle that He has brought about!
Before last Saturday, I didn't even know a problem existed in my friends' lives, and yet my Lord did. Now I see the problem laying in His capable hands and am enthused. What is there that I need to be praying about that He can fix next?
I'm like a child, excited to see her parent's mending abilities, she eagerly looks around for the next project, the next request, the next transformation-to-be. I realize that excitement and hype don't last forever. The "next mending project" may be painful. It may take a long time. This one didn't for some reason, but there is still much to pray about as my friends heal. Yes, things are better, but I must not stop praying for them!
Whatever the "new thing" I focus my petitions on, I know that my God is the Able One. Nothing is an impossibility when it lays in His hands. He is so capable, so skilled at what He does. He is the Great Mender, the Compassionate Restorer.
Sometimes I look at my life or someone else's life and I am stumped or become discouraged. I'll never be in shape. They'll never change. This problem is too big. I'll probably never get to experience the elation of seeing that accomplished. {Stop.} These and other lies from the devil crowd in and try to discourage and defeat me. Faith in God would have me look up to Him and remember: He is Awesome and Able and Nothing is impossible with Him!
{Start.} After what I have seen the Lord accomplish in the past few days, I'm excited. Never would I have been able to have boasted that I could have accomplished the miracle that He has brought about!
Before last Saturday, I didn't even know a problem existed in my friends' lives, and yet my Lord did. Now I see the problem laying in His capable hands and am enthused. What is there that I need to be praying about that He can fix next?
I'm like a child, excited to see her parent's mending abilities, she eagerly looks around for the next project, the next request, the next transformation-to-be. I realize that excitement and hype don't last forever. The "next mending project" may be painful. It may take a long time. This one didn't for some reason, but there is still much to pray about as my friends heal. Yes, things are better, but I must not stop praying for them!
Whatever the "new thing" I focus my petitions on, I know that my God is the Able One. Nothing is an impossibility when it lays in His hands. He is so capable, so skilled at what He does. He is the Great Mender, the Compassionate Restorer.
Sometimes I look at my life or someone else's life and I am stumped or become discouraged. I'll never be in shape. They'll never change. This problem is too big. I'll probably never get to experience the elation of seeing that accomplished. {Stop.} These and other lies from the devil crowd in and try to discourage and defeat me. Faith in God would have me look up to Him and remember: He is Awesome and Able and Nothing is impossible with Him!
Monday, October 5, 2015
Write 31: Home
Home is such a nice word to me. It conjures up a myriad of memories and warm feelings. It is the place I like best to sleep at at night. It is where those I love the dearest are. It is where I get to eat my favorite foods. It is the place that has seen me grow up and mature into a woman.
Home does not mean the same thing for everyone, though. Today I got to witness that firsthand. I was visiting a rehabilitation center with some friends from my church. One of the ladies in the group was sharing a Bible lesson and I was sitting listening on a couch with another friend. Suddenly my friend nudged me. Across the room, one lady was crying quietly under her breath. I didn't know what to do and remainded where I was for a few minutes but then I decided to get up and go over. What a sad experience she is having right now. Obviously, she has been removed from her home for some reason, whether it be due to a fall or injury or illness. What a strange place with so many different and new people for her to have to get used to!
You know, in the Biblical book of John, I read that Jesus says those who believe in Him are guaranteed a home that is beautiful, peaceful, and unchangeable. There will be no removing from that place; the Father has a spot for everyone Who believes in His Son. Now Jesus Christ is readying things for those who love Him and soon I and others like me will get to go to that place! {Stop} I am guaranteed a place in that home through the faith I have in Jesus Christ. My own worth has not secured this position for me, but simply God's mercy in forgiving me of my sins. The Bible says "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" Romans 10:9. There's a place guaranteed for any who put their trust in Christ, the Son of God! Won't you come home with me through believing in Jesus?
Home is such a nice word to me. It conjures up a myriad of memories and warm feelings. It is the place I like best to sleep at at night. It is where those I love the dearest are. It is where I get to eat my favorite foods. It is the place that has seen me grow up and mature into a woman.
Home does not mean the same thing for everyone, though. Today I got to witness that firsthand. I was visiting a rehabilitation center with some friends from my church. One of the ladies in the group was sharing a Bible lesson and I was sitting listening on a couch with another friend. Suddenly my friend nudged me. Across the room, one lady was crying quietly under her breath. I didn't know what to do and remainded where I was for a few minutes but then I decided to get up and go over. What a sad experience she is having right now. Obviously, she has been removed from her home for some reason, whether it be due to a fall or injury or illness. What a strange place with so many different and new people for her to have to get used to!
You know, in the Biblical book of John, I read that Jesus says those who believe in Him are guaranteed a home that is beautiful, peaceful, and unchangeable. There will be no removing from that place; the Father has a spot for everyone Who believes in His Son. Now Jesus Christ is readying things for those who love Him and soon I and others like me will get to go to that place! {Stop} I am guaranteed a place in that home through the faith I have in Jesus Christ. My own worth has not secured this position for me, but simply God's mercy in forgiving me of my sins. The Bible says "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" Romans 10:9. There's a place guaranteed for any who put their trust in Christ, the Son of God! Won't you come home with me through believing in Jesus?
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Write 31: Embrace
Nahum 1:7, "The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him."
My pastor finished his sermon and the closing song began to play. I closed my eyes in prayer and bent my head to sing and pray. Finally I looked up. There were several people who had come for prayer to the front of the church. Several dear couples were congregating in one spot, leaning on each other and praying together. I bowed my head again. "Lord, bring a revival to Your churches! This is exciting!" I looked up, the group was dispersing. The couples were hugging each other and--oh my!--Who is that?!! It's my friends! They were the ones down there praying!! My friends over whose marriage I was so troubled last week! My friends whose home the Lord is tenderly mending again.
Again and again, another moved in to embrace the precious couple, showing love like only the Body of Christ can. What a beautiful picture! I could not stop the sobs from coming, the tears streaming down my face! The Lord had done it again! The prodigal had returned and the Arms of the Father were ready and open for a welcoming embrace! Oh, Hallelujah! My God is the God of Reconciliation!
Oh, wanderer who thinks you are too far gone, too far away, too unloveable, it's not too late! Come home, return to Your Father's House! Come into His ready embrace! How He loves you! How dearly He loves His prodigal child! Come home and feel the warm forgiveness of the Father's tender love!
Those of us who know Him, let us willingly receive back into the fold those who have gone astray. {Stop.} Let us not judge or reject, let us reach with the forgiveness that is in Christ Jesus so that each wanderer can know the safe-haven that God's Family provides!
"And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found." Luke 15:20-24a.
My pastor finished his sermon and the closing song began to play. I closed my eyes in prayer and bent my head to sing and pray. Finally I looked up. There were several people who had come for prayer to the front of the church. Several dear couples were congregating in one spot, leaning on each other and praying together. I bowed my head again. "Lord, bring a revival to Your churches! This is exciting!" I looked up, the group was dispersing. The couples were hugging each other and--oh my!--Who is that?!! It's my friends! They were the ones down there praying!! My friends over whose marriage I was so troubled last week! My friends whose home the Lord is tenderly mending again.
Again and again, another moved in to embrace the precious couple, showing love like only the Body of Christ can. What a beautiful picture! I could not stop the sobs from coming, the tears streaming down my face! The Lord had done it again! The prodigal had returned and the Arms of the Father were ready and open for a welcoming embrace! Oh, Hallelujah! My God is the God of Reconciliation!
Oh, wanderer who thinks you are too far gone, too far away, too unloveable, it's not too late! Come home, return to Your Father's House! Come into His ready embrace! How He loves you! How dearly He loves His prodigal child! Come home and feel the warm forgiveness of the Father's tender love!
Those of us who know Him, let us willingly receive back into the fold those who have gone astray. {Stop.} Let us not judge or reject, let us reach with the forgiveness that is in Christ Jesus so that each wanderer can know the safe-haven that God's Family provides!
"And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found." Luke 15:20-24a.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Write 31: Capture
The words came like a shock, like a giant fist punching me right in the stomach.
I gaped: She's leaving him?
My friend, leaving her husband, her children?
How can this be? When did all this happen? How could I not have been aware that this was going on?
I reeled.
Praying and crying punctuated the next few days. Questions, rethinking things, could I have done something? could I have been a better friend? Oh, God, cause her husband to recapture her heart!
A text from a friend: Please be praying for me. Somewhere along the line, I have slipped in my relationship with the Lord. I don't know how it happened.
Oh, God, capture this precious sister's heart again! Show her how great You are and how loving! Recapture her heart with Your great one!
I search my own heart. "If I acknowledge iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." The song plays over in my head, sounding soothing (and cautioning) from my phone. Is there sin that will prevent the Lord from hearing my petitions for my friends?
O Lord, capture my heart again! Change me! Remove all sin that is in me! Let nothing come between Thy dear face and me! Let me not chase things that promise pleasure but are ashes and vapor!
Oh, God, capture our hearts again! Let us ever be held by the wonderful, unchafing chains of Your great love!
I gaped: She's leaving him?
My friend, leaving her husband, her children?
How can this be? When did all this happen? How could I not have been aware that this was going on?
I reeled.
Praying and crying punctuated the next few days. Questions, rethinking things, could I have done something? could I have been a better friend? Oh, God, cause her husband to recapture her heart!
A text from a friend: Please be praying for me. Somewhere along the line, I have slipped in my relationship with the Lord. I don't know how it happened.
Oh, God, capture this precious sister's heart again! Show her how great You are and how loving! Recapture her heart with Your great one!
I search my own heart. "If I acknowledge iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." The song plays over in my head, sounding soothing (and cautioning) from my phone. Is there sin that will prevent the Lord from hearing my petitions for my friends?
O Lord, capture my heart again! Change me! Remove all sin that is in me! Let nothing come between Thy dear face and me! Let me not chase things that promise pleasure but are ashes and vapor!
Oh, God, capture our hearts again! Let us ever be held by the wonderful, unchafing chains of Your great love!
Friday, October 2, 2015
Write 31: Family
Today I got to have lunch with three of my sisters and one of my brothers. It'd been awhile since I had gotten to see any of them, and wow!, I just got so excited being with them again!
But maybe I should tell you, they aren't my parents children, nor are they their adopted children. I'm related to these siblings of mine through a special bond we have in Jesus Christ.
You see, the Bible says that anyone who has realized that they are a sinner and repented of their wrongdoing, believing in Jesus Christ, that He died and rose again from the dead, can be forgiven and adopted into God's family. So, all four of these dear people are my brothers and sisters through the bond we share in Jesus Christ!
It was such a blessing to spend time with these dear siblings! My brother makes me swell with delight and happiness as I see what the Lord is doing in his heart and life! My sisters, so dear and sweet and supportive and encouraging, not only listen in my hurting, but share the hurts and blessings of their own life as well. Together, we support each other and pray for each other.
These four aren't my only siblings! Oh no! I have so many, many! And it's such a wonderful thing to share that sweet, unexplainable fellowship with them! You see, we're family through what Jesus did for us and any that comes to God through Christ can be part of this family!
I'd love to hear from you if you have questions about "my family"! And if you want to share about your own family, feel free to join in on this Write31 challenge! And why don't you visit our dear hostess, Kate Motaung over at her Family Post!
Today I got to have lunch with three of my sisters and one of my brothers. It'd been awhile since I had gotten to see any of them, and wow!, I just got so excited being with them again!
But maybe I should tell you, they aren't my parents children, nor are they their adopted children. I'm related to these siblings of mine through a special bond we have in Jesus Christ.
You see, the Bible says that anyone who has realized that they are a sinner and repented of their wrongdoing, believing in Jesus Christ, that He died and rose again from the dead, can be forgiven and adopted into God's family. So, all four of these dear people are my brothers and sisters through the bond we share in Jesus Christ!
It was such a blessing to spend time with these dear siblings! My brother makes me swell with delight and happiness as I see what the Lord is doing in his heart and life! My sisters, so dear and sweet and supportive and encouraging, not only listen in my hurting, but share the hurts and blessings of their own life as well. Together, we support each other and pray for each other.
These four aren't my only siblings! Oh no! I have so many, many! And it's such a wonderful thing to share that sweet, unexplainable fellowship with them! You see, we're family through what Jesus did for us and any that comes to God through Christ can be part of this family!
I'd love to hear from you if you have questions about "my family"! And if you want to share about your own family, feel free to join in on this Write31 challenge! And why don't you visit our dear hostess, Kate Motaung over at her Family Post!
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Write 31: Calling
(Write 31 is a division of Five Minute Friday {which I have become addicted to!}. Throughout the month of October, writers all over the blogo-sphere get to write for five minutes each day based on a selected word provided by the Five Minute Friday team! I didn't do it last year, but this year, I hope to keep up with it as much as possible!) So here we go, trying my hand at Calling:
When I heard that the topic was going to be Calling, I automatically thought of the verse in the Bible that says, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" penned by Paul in Philippians 3:14. But when I was talking to my mother about the topic, she brought to my mind my favorite Bible story about the young man Samuel, dedicated to the service of God's house. Early in Samuel's life, the Lord visited him at night calling out to him and saying, "Samuel, Samuel!" The boy didn't know what was going on, first going to his teacher, (Eli, an official at the Temple during that time), thinking that he was the one calling his name. After a few times of the boy waking the old man up to ask him why he was calling his name, the man figured out that the Lord was trying to get Samuel's attention. Eli advised the boy, "When he calls to you again, say 'Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth." The way that Bible story was presented to me all those years ago when I myself was just a young child both endeared Samuel to me and etched onto my mind the fact that he was a willing servant for the Lord, ready to say "Here am I, send me!"
What calling has the Lord placed on my life? As His servant, I may not hear His voice audibly as Samuel did, but I can be assured that He has many things for me to do as I peer into His Holy Word and gain wisdom about the course my life should take. In talking to a friend yesterday, I learned that he feels that the Lord is calling him to become a pastor. Wow, I thought, I'm not sure I would be brave enough for that (not that I think woman pastorships are appropriate). (Stop.) But whether I am brave enough to do one thing or another or not, God is my Ultimate Authority. When He calls, the wisest (and most satisfying) thing to do is respond humbly and quickly, "Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening. Here I am, willing and ready to do whatever You want of me."
(Corrections and additions are shown as parentheticals and following "Stop".)
When I heard that the topic was going to be Calling, I automatically thought of the verse in the Bible that says, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" penned by Paul in Philippians 3:14. But when I was talking to my mother about the topic, she brought to my mind my favorite Bible story about the young man Samuel, dedicated to the service of God's house. Early in Samuel's life, the Lord visited him at night calling out to him and saying, "Samuel, Samuel!" The boy didn't know what was going on, first going to his teacher, (Eli, an official at the Temple during that time), thinking that he was the one calling his name. After a few times of the boy waking the old man up to ask him why he was calling his name, the man figured out that the Lord was trying to get Samuel's attention. Eli advised the boy, "When he calls to you again, say 'Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth." The way that Bible story was presented to me all those years ago when I myself was just a young child both endeared Samuel to me and etched onto my mind the fact that he was a willing servant for the Lord, ready to say "Here am I, send me!"
What calling has the Lord placed on my life? As His servant, I may not hear His voice audibly as Samuel did, but I can be assured that He has many things for me to do as I peer into His Holy Word and gain wisdom about the course my life should take. In talking to a friend yesterday, I learned that he feels that the Lord is calling him to become a pastor. Wow, I thought, I'm not sure I would be brave enough for that (not that I think woman pastorships are appropriate). (Stop.) But whether I am brave enough to do one thing or another or not, God is my Ultimate Authority. When He calls, the wisest (and most satisfying) thing to do is respond humbly and quickly, "Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening. Here I am, willing and ready to do whatever You want of me."
(Corrections and additions are shown as parentheticals and following "Stop".)
I'm preparing for a children's lesson on the Creation account from the Biblical book of Genesis.
I've read these verses so many times that sometimes coming back to such familiar phrases can fly under the radar of a dulled brain.
I believe that the Word of God is alive and able to make me alive. Based on that fact, I /must/ see something new here. Only the Lord can make that happen though.
And He does!
Seconds into reading, I find these words, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Genesis 1:2.
"Mmmm," I shudder. "everywhere was darkness. And it covered the deep."
Those two words, "darkness" and "deep" aren't very pleasant to me. I don't like to think of myself as a "scaredy-cat" but thinking about deep water is like thinking about heights: I'm not a fan. Sure, I love to swim and can swim a little, but not very well.
Besides there being the deepness of the water, there was darkness.
I don't remember ever being inside a cave when the lights are shut off, but I've heard stories. Darkness can drive a person insane very quickly. With that thought, it makes me think about spiritual darkness. The Bible says that those who don't know the Lord are like people in darkness, " they know not at what they stumble" (Prov. 4:19). The thick, groping darkness inside a cave illustrates how scary it would be to be stuck in a situation of total darkness.
But you know? The best part of this verse comes last. Like a delicious dessert at the end of a hard-to-swallow dinner, these words are precious: "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."
God was there.
Even though the water was deep, even though the earth was shrouded in darkness, God's Spirit was moving. Wow, I like that.
It makes me think of some dark times I've been going through, some dark times that some of my friends are going through. Even though the waters feel so deep below us, even though the darkness is so thick around us, the Lord is moving and working right in the midst of it all.
This verse in Genesis comes at a time before God had made humans and animals. There was nothing
drowning in the sea. There was no life straining for sight through the gloom. There was no one there that could bring us back word that God was there and moving and working! So, out of the pure kindness of His Great Heart, He shares with me today, (since He was there at the beginning of time), that His Spirit was moving.
I'm so glad He tells me that!
I'm so thankful for the deep, sweet consoling words He holds out for me to pick up and
take in. Wow. His arms are so strong, His Word is so sweet, His work is unceasing.
What a great God to trust in!
I've read these verses so many times that sometimes coming back to such familiar phrases can fly under the radar of a dulled brain.
I believe that the Word of God is alive and able to make me alive. Based on that fact, I /must/ see something new here. Only the Lord can make that happen though.
And He does!
Seconds into reading, I find these words, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Genesis 1:2.
"Mmmm," I shudder. "everywhere was darkness. And it covered the deep."
Those two words, "darkness" and "deep" aren't very pleasant to me. I don't like to think of myself as a "scaredy-cat" but thinking about deep water is like thinking about heights: I'm not a fan. Sure, I love to swim and can swim a little, but not very well.
Besides there being the deepness of the water, there was darkness.
I don't remember ever being inside a cave when the lights are shut off, but I've heard stories. Darkness can drive a person insane very quickly. With that thought, it makes me think about spiritual darkness. The Bible says that those who don't know the Lord are like people in darkness, " they know not at what they stumble" (Prov. 4:19). The thick, groping darkness inside a cave illustrates how scary it would be to be stuck in a situation of total darkness.
But you know? The best part of this verse comes last. Like a delicious dessert at the end of a hard-to-swallow dinner, these words are precious: "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."
God was there.
Even though the water was deep, even though the earth was shrouded in darkness, God's Spirit was moving. Wow, I like that.
It makes me think of some dark times I've been going through, some dark times that some of my friends are going through. Even though the waters feel so deep below us, even though the darkness is so thick around us, the Lord is moving and working right in the midst of it all.
This verse in Genesis comes at a time before God had made humans and animals. There was nothing
drowning in the sea. There was no life straining for sight through the gloom. There was no one there that could bring us back word that God was there and moving and working! So, out of the pure kindness of His Great Heart, He shares with me today, (since He was there at the beginning of time), that His Spirit was moving.
I'm so glad He tells me that!
I'm so thankful for the deep, sweet consoling words He holds out for me to pick up and
take in. Wow. His arms are so strong, His Word is so sweet, His work is unceasing.
What a great God to trust in!
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Like Father, Like Son
Solomon wrote, "Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long" as one of his many proverbs (Proverbs 23:17). This is beautiful, but when seen in light of the fact that his father was David, it is even more so. Years before as a shepherd alone in the fields tending unpleasant-smelling, wandering sheep, David had penned beautiful words unto his God. Although this psalm does not specifically denote who wrote it, perhaps it was David that said, "Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day." (Psalm 71:8). Whether David wrote this or not, even when all alone in the pasture, David knew that the Lord was worthy to be praised. His love and devotion carried over into the life of his son who similarly took note of the fact that Lord was to be feared all throughout the day. What an amazing legacy! It is crucial that I cultivate a personal, dedicated relationship with my Precious Lord! Already I am laying the foundation for the woman (and hopefully wife and mother!) that I will be in years to come.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Five Minute Friday: Doubt
The day is Friday.
The word is Doubt.
The time is starting...
Right Now!
What alot I could say about the savage Doubt!
It's like a slave-driver, relentless, pursuing, evil.
What a horrid bondage the Lord has realeased me from!
I once was held captive by this foe! For years I struggled with wondering the most important question of a soul's existence: Am I right before the eyes of my Creator?
I had had "an experience" when I was a child, but at the age of twelve I began to wonder what had happened in those childhood moments. I was without rest: I did not know whether I had truly repented of my sins before Jesus Christ, whether I had believed as I should have. The Bible says that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord in repentance for their sins and in faith in Jesus Christ's death on the cross and resurrection, can be saved. For some reason though, I grappled with question after question. I worried, I dreaded church-related activities. I could get so sick emotionally, but one day,
the Lord showed me that "the hour I first believed" He had saved me.
You see, it wasn't up to me whether I was strong enough in faith to believe, or whether I had said the right words in a prayer to Him.
It was all His doing.
He had reached down and saved me and there was no need for me to struggle against that monster Doubt any longer!
Christ freed me from his grip and what a relief I felt!
Yes, there are days that I have still wondered, still struggled, but what a victory Christ won for me once and for all on the cross and then in my new life against Doubt!
I have to say, one of the reasons that I did struggle with doubt was because of my being so young when I had "that experience". During my time of questioning and unrest, I would pray over and over, "Lord, please save me! Forgive me for my sins!" I believed in Him, but I had so many questions. The journey was not an easy one; at times I would wonder when (or if) I would ever be free, whether I would ever know that my eternal destiny was secure and safe, whether I could move forward with life, calm in the fact that I had been forgiven of my sins against the Righteous Holy God and that I was His.
If you are struggling, I would like to encourage you, as I was encouraged all those years ago, to read the book of 1 John in the Bible. It has such great comfort for the wonderer and gives peace and direction whether you struggle with doubt or not. The Bible says that faith to believe in Jesus Christ is something that the Lord gives. Ask Him for it; He wants you more than you could ever want Him. Run to Him! He is gracious and ready for you right now!
The word is Doubt.
The time is starting...
Right Now!
What alot I could say about the savage Doubt!
It's like a slave-driver, relentless, pursuing, evil.
What a horrid bondage the Lord has realeased me from!
I once was held captive by this foe! For years I struggled with wondering the most important question of a soul's existence: Am I right before the eyes of my Creator?
I had had "an experience" when I was a child, but at the age of twelve I began to wonder what had happened in those childhood moments. I was without rest: I did not know whether I had truly repented of my sins before Jesus Christ, whether I had believed as I should have. The Bible says that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord in repentance for their sins and in faith in Jesus Christ's death on the cross and resurrection, can be saved. For some reason though, I grappled with question after question. I worried, I dreaded church-related activities. I could get so sick emotionally, but one day,
the Lord showed me that "the hour I first believed" He had saved me.
You see, it wasn't up to me whether I was strong enough in faith to believe, or whether I had said the right words in a prayer to Him.
It was all His doing.
He had reached down and saved me and there was no need for me to struggle against that monster Doubt any longer!
Christ freed me from his grip and what a relief I felt!
Yes, there are days that I have still wondered, still struggled, but what a victory Christ won for me once and for all on the cross and then in my new life against Doubt!
I have to say, one of the reasons that I did struggle with doubt was because of my being so young when I had "that experience". During my time of questioning and unrest, I would pray over and over, "Lord, please save me! Forgive me for my sins!" I believed in Him, but I had so many questions. The journey was not an easy one; at times I would wonder when (or if) I would ever be free, whether I would ever know that my eternal destiny was secure and safe, whether I could move forward with life, calm in the fact that I had been forgiven of my sins against the Righteous Holy God and that I was His.
If you are struggling, I would like to encourage you, as I was encouraged all those years ago, to read the book of 1 John in the Bible. It has such great comfort for the wonderer and gives peace and direction whether you struggle with doubt or not. The Bible says that faith to believe in Jesus Christ is something that the Lord gives. Ask Him for it; He wants you more than you could ever want Him. Run to Him! He is gracious and ready for you right now!
Friday, September 18, 2015
Five Minute Friday: Celebrate
The word is celebrate, and 'though there are SO MANY things I could write about celebrations and celebrating, I decided on the idea that first came to mind...
My mother's cousin passed away. It was unexpected. A shock. The details were disturbing and made me think about a dear friend of mine, the mother of some acquaintances, who died through mysterious events a few years ago around this time of year.
I think about her every year as fall comes on and miss her.
But then, {as I pondered it today} I thought, what a grand celebration for both my cousin and friend! Wow! My cousin has been suffering in a fragile body for so many years. My imagination can't even do Heaven justice as I think about the grandeur that he must be experiencing now reunited with his parents, grandparents, my grandmother, and Most Important of All, his Savior Jesus!
I think too about Mrs. C., a pastor's wife, vibrant, a godly mother... She's still rejoicing in Heaven! After all these years, 'though the details {of her passing} are still no more easy to think on, she is pain-free, continuing to drink in joy after joy and experience upon wonderful experience of being blissfully with her Lord, without sin, without regret. Now that's a celebration!
I can hardly wait sometimes as I think about it!
So, while we mourn the passing and absence of dear ones, we celebrate those of them that were redeemed through the Precious Blood of Christ and are forever celebrating with Him in His glorious Home!
{Yes, I did editing, as you might have guessed from the decorative parentheticals above. There was also some inexcusable misspelling and much needed punctuation that I simply could not let lie!}
For other wonderful thoughts about the word celebrate, visit my friends over at the Five Minute Friday blog party!
My mother's cousin passed away. It was unexpected. A shock. The details were disturbing and made me think about a dear friend of mine, the mother of some acquaintances, who died through mysterious events a few years ago around this time of year.
I think about her every year as fall comes on and miss her.
But then, {as I pondered it today} I thought, what a grand celebration for both my cousin and friend! Wow! My cousin has been suffering in a fragile body for so many years. My imagination can't even do Heaven justice as I think about the grandeur that he must be experiencing now reunited with his parents, grandparents, my grandmother, and Most Important of All, his Savior Jesus!
I think too about Mrs. C., a pastor's wife, vibrant, a godly mother... She's still rejoicing in Heaven! After all these years, 'though the details {of her passing} are still no more easy to think on, she is pain-free, continuing to drink in joy after joy and experience upon wonderful experience of being blissfully with her Lord, without sin, without regret. Now that's a celebration!
I can hardly wait sometimes as I think about it!
So, while we mourn the passing and absence of dear ones, we celebrate those of them that were redeemed through the Precious Blood of Christ and are forever celebrating with Him in His glorious Home!
{Yes, I did editing, as you might have guessed from the decorative parentheticals above. There was also some inexcusable misspelling and much needed punctuation that I simply could not let lie!}
For other wonderful thoughts about the word celebrate, visit my friends over at the Five Minute Friday blog party!
Friday, September 11, 2015
The Faces of Worship
A fellow blogger shared this on her blog. I am not able to listen to the song tonight, but look forward to doing so in the morning. I was drawn by the quality of the photography, and then was struck with the different faces the worshipers have as they sing to their Lord. I have never heard of this group and obviously can't see inside a person's heart, but I just imagine what they are thinking as they sing...
The girl on the left in the red cap is praising God as she watches her brothers in Christ, marveling that her Lord can save sinners and so dramatically transform lives so that they will praise Him.
The man in the collared black shirt closes his eyes as he strums and thinks about his praise-worthy God.
In the background, a brother in Christ drops his head in humility, feeling unworthy to lift his voice in song but, knowing his worth through Christ's shed blood, holds his life out to the Lord to use however He desires.
His sister in Christ in the plaid shirt sings with her head back, resting in the Capable and All-Powerful arms of her Mighty God. She cannot even express how tired she is, but she knows how Able He is.
To her left in the "middle ground", the second guitarist in the sock cap focuses on getting the notes right, squinting as he prays that somehow Christ might be glorified through his weak effort.
And all the other believers in the picture, whatever their state, have one desire: they must meet with the Lord, must find Him, despite all that is taking place in their personal lives and in the world. He is their Hope and He is More Than Enough.
These are just my thoughts about this picture. I have no idea where these worshippers' hearts really are, but I've been in almost all of "the shoes" I've described. I want to know Him more and what a glorious thing it is to be on the journey with others who desire the same!
If you have a minute, why don't you hop over to Tasha's blog where I found this picture and link and read her great post about "Same" from Five Minute Friday!
The girl on the left in the red cap is praising God as she watches her brothers in Christ, marveling that her Lord can save sinners and so dramatically transform lives so that they will praise Him.
The man in the collared black shirt closes his eyes as he strums and thinks about his praise-worthy God.
In the background, a brother in Christ drops his head in humility, feeling unworthy to lift his voice in song but, knowing his worth through Christ's shed blood, holds his life out to the Lord to use however He desires.
His sister in Christ in the plaid shirt sings with her head back, resting in the Capable and All-Powerful arms of her Mighty God. She cannot even express how tired she is, but she knows how Able He is.
To her left in the "middle ground", the second guitarist in the sock cap focuses on getting the notes right, squinting as he prays that somehow Christ might be glorified through his weak effort.
And all the other believers in the picture, whatever their state, have one desire: they must meet with the Lord, must find Him, despite all that is taking place in their personal lives and in the world. He is their Hope and He is More Than Enough.
These are just my thoughts about this picture. I have no idea where these worshippers' hearts really are, but I've been in almost all of "the shoes" I've described. I want to know Him more and what a glorious thing it is to be on the journey with others who desire the same!
If you have a minute, why don't you hop over to Tasha's blog where I found this picture and link and read her great post about "Same" from Five Minute Friday!
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